Friday, March 8, 2013

They were wrong. There is a sac!

We have been crying and grieving all morning after we were told we had no hope after our ultrasound. They couldn't find a gestational sac and said it was ectopic. Devastated doesn't come close to describing how we felt.

After we got home, Kevin urged me to go to our OB who might have better imaging equipment and could possibly locate the ectopic so at least we'd have an answer as to where it was. I was fully prepared for the OB to say the same thing, that we had no hope. I just wanted answers as to where this pregnancy may have landed.

Unbelievably, he found a gestational sac within about 10 seconds IN MY UTERUS!

He said its right in line with my beta which went also up to to today to 2569, doubling time at 90 hours which is under the 96 hour mark for being over 2000. He said the sac is definitely small for 6w2d, but it's there.

I am so upset that we were told we had no hope. They said it was over for us. We left there crying like we have never cried before, hurting like we've never hurt before. I can't believe that happened. As it stands, I have another beta on Tuesday and another ultrasound with my OB on Wednesday.

I appreciate the continued thoughts and prayers as this moves forward. We are being cautiously pessimistic, if that's a word. Hope is so scary to have again after the blow we endured this morning, but we will take every ounce of hope we can get.


  1. Praying for you. Thankful you don't have to endure an etopic pregnancy. Grow baby!!!

    1. Thank you so much! I was terrified when they were talking about it being ectopic. Simply terrified.

  2. Praise God for hubby's intuition!! You hold on to every last bit of hope - God is still working out His miracles! Roller coaster doesn't even begin to describe what you've been through - you poor thing! Hoping and praying that God would continue to knock everyones socks off with this miracle baby!

    1. Yes, I am so glad he pushed us to go. It does feel like a miracle to have seen that tiny sac on u/s with the OB. My world just stopped for a minute when he located it. :)

  3. Wow -- that's crazy -- your hubby has a great intuition. I'm not really sure how they missed seeing that on the first ultrasound, as it seems pretty obvious to me. I'm sorry for all of the pain you went through this morning, but glad to hear there is still hope!

    1. The nurses are really inept, that's how they missed it. This is not the only thing they've had trouble with since we started there. They can never draw my blood despite poking me a billion times, they've made mistakes on my lining before, I just don't trust them. :(

  4. Hoping for a yolk sac next week!

  5. I am on the verge of tears----I literally didn't know what to write this morning. I am praying do hard for you all!!

    1. I appreciate the prayers! They are being heard!

  6. Wow. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

    1. Thank you, it was a nightmare come true. :(

  7. That is crazy scary that they told you that this morning! Praying for you!

  8. Wow!!!! I don't even know what to say! But I'm so glad you got a second opinion! Is that the beginning of a yolk sac I see at the top of the sac? May be a shadow but I see something! Praying hard for your little fighter!!!!

    1. I hope you're right! I'm not familiar enough with u/s photos to know what I'm looking at but could be? I sure hope so!

  9. God is good! He can make the impossible possible! :D

  10. You already know my thoughts on your stupid nurses, but I just wanted to come over and say YAY BABY!!!! Hang on, and keep growing :)

    1. Thank you! I hope he/she catches up soon and just knocks our socks off.

  11. Liz, praying for your little one to grow, grow, grow!!! And my offer to kick your nurses for you still stands. ;)

    1. Please! Lets go kick them together! I'm so maaaddddddddddddddd at them!!!!!!!!
      I appreciate the prayers. :)

  12. I'm so sorry you had such a rocky morning. I did a lot of reading in the scientific literature on this when I was in the same situation, and measuring behind at early ultrasounds can go either way. My RE's advice that really helped me was, "let's hope for the best, but prepare for the worst." I ended up eventually losing that pregnancy, but I very much hope you have a different outcome. It seems very much you have a little fighter in there.

    1. Thank you. Our OB said the same thing, that it could go either way but not to give up hope like those nurses told us to. Having some hope and no hope are such crazy different places to be. I'll take the "some hope" camp any day of the week!

  13. Oh my goodness. What. A. Day. I was crying for you this morning, as having been through an ectopic pregnancy myself, I know the devastation you felt. I am SOOOOOOO glad you got a 2nd opinion and they gave you good news. I pray, pray, pray that your LO grows, grows, grows over the weekend and you get fabulous news on Tuesday.

    1. Oh, thank you so much for the support. To say I am relieved to have hope again is an understatement. I appreciate the prayers and hope the same for this LO! I hope he/she catches up nicely in the coming days/weeks.

  14. Praying for this little one to bury in and hang on for the next 9 months.Prayers to you and your little one.No one should have to go through what you have sweetie.Praying daily for you all.

    1. Thank you so much. The prayers are being heard. I mean that!

  15. I really really hope they get a heartbeat next week. Did they write you back?

    1. They didn't write me back, but the RE herself called me and talked to me about it. She said she will personally be talking to the nurses who told us to have "no hope" and also did the faulty ultrasound. The RE sounded annoyed and said she would be talking to them herself so it would never happen again. She also sounded delighted when she learned there really WAS a sac. She was at the mercy of these nurses crappy u/s skills. :(

    2. Wow- does she not usually talk to them personally???? Shouldn't she be communicating your care with her nurses regularly??? That is so scary - how many other people have they said that to - and have had them stop meds- when there really was a baby?????
      What's the name of your clinic????

    3. I'm sure she does talk to them personally to get results from tests and whatnot, but she meant that she would basically reprimand them personally because of what happened yesterday. You are 100% right. Not only could we have stopped our meds, but the RE was already talking about the mtx shot if we didn't see anything next time due to the fear of it being ectopic. All of this was based on these nurses crappy imaging skills and faulty data. It's a satellite office so the RE is only there once a week. She/he (there are two) rely on the data that these two incompetent nurses collect since they aren't there to collect it themselves. The REs at my clinic are great, I mean that. But the nurses....not so much. This satellite office set-up is certainly not working and I provided that feedback to the RE too.

      I'll consider this a blessing that we got a fast-forward ticket right to our OB and now I'm under his care!

    4. That's a great way to look at it. I didn't get released to my OB until 12 weeks, so it's awesome that you get to go to someone you trust early on. (Though in my case, it was the RE with the better imaging equipment.) I'm SO SO happy that your OB found your little snowflake. I'm praying for you and this little one!

    5. Thank you so much! In the end, it wasn't the imaging equipment that found our snowflake - it was just the doctor's skill over the incompetent nurses! He had the specialized equipment to locate the ectopic, but didn't even need to use it. :)

  16. I cannot believe how incompetent your clinic seems. I am so glad you went to your OB to have them take a look. Amazing that he found it so quickly when the nurses couldn't. It is just not right, the run around that they have given you. I'm praying that little one just keeps on growing!

    1. Yeah, they really are. I told them I'm not setting foot in there again. My pregnancy will now be overseen by my OB, but my RE will continue to oversee my meds until I'm weened off. It's a relief becuase I really trust my OB.

  17. Wow that is amazing!!! I was so disappointed for you when I read your other post.

    1. Thank you for your support. It was a rollercoaster ride that is hard to describe....from a nightmare to hopeful again in a matter of hours.

  18. Wow....I am so sorry that you had to go through that and really disappointed at your RE's office!!! Soooo glad you got another opinion and things look good. I'm still in shock over that office though....ugh.

    1. Me too! I'm so glad my husband wanted me to go to the OB. He probably saved our baby!

  19. OMG hon, I've been away from blog land too long. I am so sorry for this crazy roller-coaster your on, but I have seriously everything crossed for you that everything is ok, and this is it!!

    How did your RE completely miss that? Thinking of you guys! <3 *hugs*

    1. It wasn't my RE, it was the nurses who did the ultrasound. They sent the ultrasound scans and findings (or lack thereof) over to the RE. Their incompetence could have cost us our baby at this step of the game. I'm still reeling!

  20. I am so glad you got a second opinion. I was so upset to read your last post. I'm praying that things keep looking up from here and that your little baby grows!!

    1. Thanks so much. We appreciate the prayers more than you could ever know!!! What a whirlwind!

  21. That is CRAZY and infuriating about your RE's office, but I'm so glad they were wrong and you had the wherewith all to get the second opinion!! Continued thoughts and hopes for a healthy baby coming your way.

    1. Thank you so much. We will never set foot in the REs office ever again.

  22. Oh my, so many emotions! I can't imagion what that must have felt like. Luckily all your prayers were answered. Hoping baby continues to grow healthy!

    1. Yes, they certainly were! Thanks so much for the support. :) Wishing you all kinds of luck for your upcoming cycle. It will be here before you know it!

  23. Wow! Just Wow. I can't believe those nurses are allowed to practice.
    I just discovered your blog a few minutes ago and am so happy I got to see better news than you had this morning. Pregnancy after IF is soooo scary in the beginning (We briefly considered EA, but ended up finally conceiving with medical help). It is hard to keep up hope after having had it dashed so many times before. I'll keep you and your little snowflake in my prayers!

    1. I agree. I'm furious with them. Thanks for stopping by my blog and writing the kind words. Congratulations on your success, and also your understanding of how scary this is. We've never been more scared of anything in our whole lives!

  24. Just clicking over from another blog and have to comment - wow! I'm so sorry you had to go through that torment, but so glad that the second ultrasound revealed what it did. Congratulations, and best of luck for what is to come with this little one!

  25. I am floored. Just floored. I am almost in tears thinking about it. I have had traumatic ultrasounds too and to imagine that it was wrong. Wow. I would have totally chewed them out. Yelling and screaming. And I am not like that. Wow.
