Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Still in a holding pattern

I had my u/s and beta this morning. No beta results yet, but I can update you on the u/s at least.

I am 8 weeks today, and we saw that the 12mm empty gestational sac from last week  had grown to 24mm today and now has a fetal pole and yolk sac. However, no heartbeat. The OB said that we should see a heartbeat by now, however it's possible that due to my tilted uterus, it's just that the ultrasound can't pick it up. I'd buy into this theory except my betas and doubling time have sucked so bad up to this point that it's difficult for me to hang onto any hope at all anymore since clearly we aren't experiencing normal stuff by now.

He said that if my beta results come back under 10,000 today then we can call it over today. Otherwise, we wait it out for another week, have a final u/s and he will feel comfortable calling it one way or the other then. I figured we'd have closure today (and we might if the beta sucks) but sounds like we are in a holding pattern until next week. I can definitely do this for another week but it's hard!

I wish I could say I was hopeful, but I'm not. I'm so freakin' damaged at this point that hope scares the absolute crap out of me. I almost feel like I'm being toyed with. :(  I pray pray PRAY I'm wrong and next week we see a beautiful heartbeat. But I'm fully expecting my beta to come back this afternoon telling the final chapter to this story as a big eff you, Liz.

There's my update. I want this to end positively like you wouldn't believe but I just can't get myself back on the hope-wagon. It kills me to see Kevin have hope in his eyes again, because I know what it will look like if it's whisked away. I probably should talk to a shrink because I shouldn't feel this way, but I do. :( Thanks for listening, caring, and thinking about us and praying for us.

I'll post the beta results once they are in.


  1. I don't have any advice, just lots and lots of *hugs* <3

  2. I can't believe the ringer you and your husband have been put through. My heart truly aches for you. Right now I just hope you can get some kind of closure to this. Whether your little ones heart start beating away or you find out that this pregnancy is not going to progress. The limbo is the worst. I am so sorry for you.

    1. I pray that we see that heartbeat, but either way I just need something to pull us from this limbo. Thank you for the kind words.

  3. Liz, I'm sorry for all of this waiting and uncertainty. I'm praying for you and Kevin. HUGS! - Kelly

    1. Thank you for the prayers...I think the end is in sight (and praying its good)

  4. Oh man. The waiting roller coaster continues! Hang in there!!

  5. oh my goodness, I am so sorry. It's hard to hang your hat up when there has been so much growth in the last week and actually a fetal pole and yolk sac this time. There is just no explanation and I am so sorry this has been so long and drawn out for you. Just know you have so many people thinking about you and praying for you!

    1. Thank you so much. It really does warm my heart to have so much support.

  6. Oh Liz this sucks. I am so sorry that you are dealing with this. Nomatetr which way it turns out, it is just unfair to have you going through all these ups and downs. Youa re in my thoughts all teh time!

    1. Thank you so much...I never considered that *this* would be an option at the end of our cycle. I figured it would be BFP=Happily ever after or BFN=sad. No idea there would be limbo hell! :(

  7. Hi Liz. I just found your blog and have been catching up with you and your story. I am so sorry for the heartache you are going through. I remember the tortuous holding pattern we were in with our m/c last fall. It is so hard! And we didn't even make it to see an ultrasound- only a series of betas. I am praying for you and your heart to rest in Jesus. Hang in there!

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words. I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Torture is the right's just awful. *hug*

  8. Been praying for you. So sorry this keeps draging on with no resolution.

  9. I'm sorry you are having to go through this. Praying for you and your hubby.
