Saturday, March 30, 2013

More bad news

The RE called me to answer some questions that I had about next steps. She felt like everything looked good to cycle again in a few months and felt that the reason for this miscarriage was due to chromosomal issues with the embryo. We just drew the unlucky card. 

I asked about our final remaining embryo, and she told me the embryologist would give me a call to discuss that aspect.

A few hours later, sure enough I got a call from the embryologist. She told us that while she does not know the grading of the final embryo, she is not optimistic about it surviving thaw due to the way it was frozen and refrozen using "slow-freeze" technique. We thought this might be the case, but to hear an expert in the field tell us this about our final remaining embryo was like ripping another piece of our heart out. 



  1. Liz, I have no words. I am deeply sorry. I hope that things turn around for you. You are in my prayers, remember that! Hugs.

    1. Thank you so much. We are still going to press on until we finally have a family. :)

  2. Oh Liz...I'm so sorry. Lord willing, that embryo will survive the thaw in spite of its odds.

  3. Liz, Have you seen our Sarah? She was that embryo who was not to survive the thaw. Keep trusting in The Lord. These are His children and He will do things beyond what human minds can imagine!

    1. Aww I am so glad Sarah made it despite the odds.

    2. Liz,

      Rhea and I learned through Sarah's adoption and transfer not to look at statistics, not to consider the probability, but to trust in what God alone can do; what no man can see or fathom.

      Do you follow Laura Best's blog? They had one lone embaby left frozen after Makenna's transfer , had their single embaby transferred and now they are a couple of weeks away from their 2nd trimester! Do not give up hope. You guys adopted all of these little ones. I know it is hard, but do not listen to the doubt & fear. That is your child and the Lord can do a wonderful work through that little one if it's His will. Go visit Laura's blog, visit our blog and read our story with Sarah (you can read back posts and see the fear I had to fight) and take your time as you continue to heal from your mourning the loss of Maggie. LMK if I can help in any way.

    3. I think I have read her blog but I didn't know that Makenna was a single lone embryo. That's remarkable! We will never give up on this little frozen one, it is ours and always will be regardless of what anyone says. We will absolutely give it the chance it deserves.

      I will go back and re-read your posts, this is very reassuring and helpful. Thank you so so much for always being so supportive.

    4. Oh sorry I wasnt clear... Laura is PG right now with their single embaby :)

  4. Liz, I'm sorry you've gotten this news. Please keep in mind that most of these doctors and embryologists are all about statistics and numbers though. God is in control. He can thaw the baby well if that is what is meant to be. I can understand your feeling discouraged though. :( Our doctor told us, we have 4 embryo babies, probably only half of those will survive...well our first 2 did survive thaw and our other 2 are still frozen, so I have a feeling that he was wrong on those statistics. I'm praying your final baby will thaw beautifully and will grow in you and bring you your take home baby. love & hugs, Kelly

  5. My worst fear. However, the embryologist didn't say it WOULDN'T survive, just that he's not optimistic. There is still a chance. Hoping and praying.

    1. Her exact words were "More often than not, embryos in this situation do not survive thaw." :( :( :(

    2. We were told that Sarah and her embryo siblings had a "less than 1% chance of surviving the thawing process". She is now 18 months old and running all over the place. We are so glad we did not give into the fear we had and pressed forward even when the doctor and embryologist said, "you just might be wasting all of this money for a transfer for nothing". Keep praying for wisdom and strength.

    3. This is really reassuring....what a magnificent happy ending to your story. :) We will continue to pray as we move forward with next steps. We certainly aren't giving up on this little snowflake.

    4. We adopted another single embryo from Snowflakes before that first transfer. The dr and embryologist said how "beautiful" the blast was (paperwork wise). Sadly, that one died shortly after thawing. God is amazing in showing His power

  6. With God all things are possible! Keep trusting!

  7. Hoping and praying that this snow baby defies all odds!

  8. Wow, I am so deeply sorry. I can only imagine the stress you are under right now. I pray that your snow baby is a fighter and survives the thaw! I am sending you tons of good vibes :)

    1. Thank you so much...we are being prayerful about next steps and not giving up on this little one!

  9. Liz, I've been catching up on your blog and couldn't stop the tears as I read. I hate infertility more than anything and I am so sorry for all the emotional pain you and your husband have been through. I said a little prayer for you that this last little one fights through.

    1. Thank you so much. I never knew pain like that of recent weeks but I do know it will get better. We are already looking to the future and also mourning our little Maggie. Thank you for the prayers and the kind words, as always.

  10. It just seems like you can't get a break here lately. I think regardless of what the embryologist says, you never know what that little one is going to do until your FET. Sometimes the ones that don't always look perfect or textbook are the ones that turn into the 9 month pregnancy.

    Thinking of you

  11. I'm so sorry you've gotten even more bad news. HUGS!
