Wednesday, March 6, 2013

It's a new day

Yesterday sucked. Bad. I am so glad it's a new day. I was in the depths of a serious depression for the majority of a day into the late afternoon. I've never experienced depression like that. I feel better today, despite the fact that nothing changed since then. We still have our crappy doubling betas looming overhead, but I do feel a little better. I do feel more hopeful. Perhaps it was all of your responses, divine intervention, or maybe my hormones decided to flip a switch but I do feel better today.

I called to schedule our ultrasound, and it turns out I only had Friday as an option so I made it for first thing on Friday: 7am CST. I pray we do get some kind of positive news although I feel like if we don't see anything that day, I can tell myself it's just too early. We will have a second ultrasound next Friday, 3/15. If we don't see anything at that one (7w2d) I can probably say that this likely isn't working out as hoped, and the RE agrees. But I'm holding on hope until then.

Onto lighter news, last night my PIO shot was an interesting adventure. Apparently many REs don't even instruct patients to pull back on the plunger before injecting because of the incredibly slim chance that they might hit a blood vessel. Kevin is an EMT/Firefighter so he is careful to always pull back on mine to check for blood, and last night I'm glad he did because he DID hit a blood vessel! PIO injected directly into a vein would have been very bad to say the least and would have made for a terrible end to a terrible day!

I thought it looked kind of cool in the syringe because the viscosity of the blood was different from the oil so it reminded me of a lava lamp.

That's all for today. I wish I could tell you that my panicked and depressed blog posting days were over, but only time will tell. I'm trying to keep it together, I swear I am. And as I said in the beginning, I promised to be real and honest in my posts so others going through similar experiences wouldn't feel alone. I'm sure I'm not the only person to lose my marbles from crappy beta results, and I won't be the last.


  1. Glad you're feeling better now! Hold on to hope :)

  2. Glad you're feeling better. One day at a time :) I like your honesty.

  3. I'm so glad today is a new day for you. It's such a roller coaster ride. I've always liked roller coasters, but this is one ride I would gladly have skipped.

    That is so interesting about the PIO and the blood separating like that! I had no idea! I'm so glad that we didn't have to experience hitting that vein. Did it hurt any different than the other shots?

    1. Thanks! Actually, the PIO injection itself hurt about the same as usual despite hitting a blood vessel. It hurt less afterwords because no oil got injected and I realize that's the part that causes the lingering pain! I never thought we'd hit a blood vessel, but we did. Crazy!

  4. Dear Liz, I'm so sorry that you are having such a hard time!! I am a fellow embryo adoptive mommy! Our first 2 fet resulted in miscarriages from poorly doubling betas. I did the same thing you are doing, scouring for any information in the hope that everything would be okay. I know how stressful and hard this is and so didn't understand why God was allowing this to happen after we had felt such a strong call from God to pursue embryo adoption. We would up taking a break and going to Africa where we adopted a set of twin girls...If either transfer had worked then we would not have our beautiful girls who i know without any doubt were supposed to be our kids. I still don't understand why things happened the way they did but was eventually able to say God knows best even though i don't understand why. We decided that we would try just one more time with our embryos and i'm now 9 weeks pregnant!! I just want to encourage you that you are not alone and that i went to my absolute lowest point after those 2 miscarriages and it was extremely hard but i clung to Gods promises and he saw me through!!

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I am sorry for your losses, but congratulations on your pregnancy and your children. What miracles!
