Saturday, April 6, 2013

Facebook is very painful

Today is finally a day I don't feel like a prisoner of my home and can get out and do something uplifting. Last weekend was full of cramping, bleeding, and recovering from the D&C, and even looming ER visits. Plus I had to work all week long. So now that I am physically doing better and it's a weekend, Kevin and I have decided to find activities that make both us happy and do them together and focus on that. I got up early and got a pedicure and a delicious coffee and we plan to have a blissful no-thoughts-of-losing-our-child kind of day. I left the salon right as the woman next to me pulled out photos of her beautiful newborn to share with her salon attendant. That was my cue to head out, no doubt about it.

And in a few minutes, we are heading to a nice lunch and then to an animal sanctuary zoo. But first I wanted to talk a little about Facebook and what it's like for someone to be on Facebook having traveled such a hard road of infertility and now loss.

I've had to make some serious changes to my Facebook. While I would like to remain on Facebook to continue to be part of some private infertility support groups, I've had to unfollow nearly all of my friends who have children and families. Kevin had to completely deactivate his for the same reason. This is going to be hard to explain, but those of you have dealt or are currently dealing with infertility and/or loss will understand completely probably with no explanation needed.

We love our friends and families dearly and we love their children so much. We love how happy they are and we are happy for them too. But believe it or not, you can feel both immense joy and debilitating pain at the exact same time when it comes to the subject of your loved ones' children. It hurts beyond comprehension to be reminded of what we don't have and may never have. To see children's milestones, baby photos, the videos, life updates, funny things kids say, the pregnancy announcements, the birth announcements, bump updates, the first days at school. All of these things rip open already deep wounds that seem to never heal. Of course the parents should be proud and should share. We would do the same if we had children. But for right now we know the issue is in our world. Yet the pain we are experiencing is just too great regardless of how much love we have for our friends, families and their children. We recognize that we can't be exposed to it right now. Those who have never suffered like this may feel this is selfish. All I can say is there's no possible way for you to understand what this is like unless you've been down this hellish road yourself. It's a million times darker and harder than losing your own mother to cancer, and I can speak from experience on that one.  I don't expect the world to change for us, but we must change our world right now.

It's even harder when we see someone complain or even jokingly complain about their children or pregnancy.  In fact, I confronted one woman recently who offered one of her children up in a "Free child for the taking" post. For as many friends as she had on her friends list (300+) I guarantee I wasn't the only one who was hurt by her post that given that 1 in 8 couples suffer from infertility. Most people don't recognize what an incomprehensible blessing their children are. I spoke up on behalf of all of those silently suffering and I am glad I did. She didn't mean to offend or hurt, but I think it was important to understand the pain these kinds of posts cause.

I hope it will get easier someday. We are in a dark place right now and are trying to focus on one another for our healing. We hope someday will be our turn. But we have suffered for years and now have been dangled torturously over a high cliff for weeks on end only to finally be dropped to then sustained horrible injuries. We are still assessing the damage done and are working on rehabilitating ourselves. Limiting our exposure to our friends and families children updates is important to the healing process right now.

In an effort to spend some time together just as the two of us, Kevin and I are going to a new fancy bistro for lunch, then visiting an animal sanctuary/zoo here in Austin. I am so looking forward to it! We went there last spring and had a wonderful time. We are huge animal lovers, and this particular sanctuary rescues zoo animals from terrible situations and gives them a place to live out their lives. Most of the animals are misfits such as goats with tremors, three-legged wolves, geriatric lions and tigers etc. It warms my heart so much to be around animals, especially ones that had once hard lives yet since rescue now have good ones. Animals are so healing for us as humans if we let them be. In fact, our three wonderful pets were rescues from horrific neglect and abusive situations and are all misfits in one way or another. I'll have to dedicate a separate post to them one day. But know that they now live the lives of spoiled little fur balls. They are appreciative and seem to know when we are hurting and make an effort to help us in their own ways. No matter how bad we feel, animals always help us feel better.

Here are some pictures of our pets. Chloe is the toothless black kitty, Nadia is the fatty calico kitty, and Oscar is the blind-in-one-eye dingo-eared hotdog-shaped brindle dog. He's dressed up for Halloween, he's not actually a Travis County sheriff. Hard to believe, I know.

I hope everyone has good plans to enjoy the weekend.


  1. Immense joy AND debilitating pain is so exactly spot on. It's hard to balance these feelings, and I think even harder for others to understand what it's like for us. I left facebook altogether after my second loss. It was just too hard to see all those bump updates and birth announcements every day, and the people who really want to be in contact with me know where to find me.

    I'm really glad you guys are looking after each other and have a relaxing weekend planned. I am continuing to think of you often.

    1. It's one of those things that you have to live to understand, and it sounds like you definitely do. I am so incredibly sorry for your losses and I don't blame you for leaving Facebook. It would just be too hard.

  2. This is a great explanation. I pray your friends and family on Facebook will be understanding. Have you ever seen the website ?

    1. Thanks for the link! I hadn't seen that before you posted it here and I had a good laugh. :)

  3. I just discovered your blog yesterday. I am in awe of your strength, courage and honesty. Your story has inspired me. God bless you. And, I TOTALLY agree about Facebook! I gave it up in June. Sometimes, it can feel lonely in a weird way because it feels like everyone's primary way of socializing these days. I look forward to more posts from you. If you'd like to learn more about me, I've pasted my blog below. I hope you enjoyed your day with your husband.

    1. Aww, thank you for the kind words. That means a lot to me! I started this blog to hopefully help others who might feel alone. I know reading blogs helped me so much. It means the world that you feel this way.

      I hear what you're saying about feeling lonely being away from facebook since it seems to be everyone elses way of socializing. I just know I'm happier when I'm not seeing everyone's posts that bring pain. So it's time for a break.

      I will follow your blog! Thank you for sharing!

  4. Such cute pets! Why is Chole toothless?
    Facebook can really suck on multiple levels. I hope you have fun with the hubby.

    1. Thanks! Chloe was rescued from a major hoarding situation in Nevada of over 800 cats!!! She was one of only like 500 survivors, and she was extremely emaciated and unhealthy. She lost a lot of her teeth. Partially because of the situation, but I also think she just has bad teeth. We've had to have even more removed since she's been our pet. :( Oh well, shes happy despite her silly grill. We had a great time at the zoo. I hope you had a good day also!

  5. Hi Liz! I've been a lurker for awhile now. (I found you through Ashley at Expecting Miracles as we have been blogger buddies for years now.) Your post today really resonated with me on so many levels. The pain you are experiencing through infertility and loss, the comfort you take in your loving husband and in the simple joys of life, those are the same experiences I have had. While everyone who is faced with this pain, as both you and I have, must somehow find their own way in it, I wanted to share with you my thoughts on how to live as an infertile in a fertile world. While I am in a much different place than you right now I wrote this blog post when I was exactly where you are at now. It was the holidays, my husband and I had been trying to start a family for six and a half years, my siblings and friends were popping out babies left and right, it was the anniversary of our miscarriage and we had just suffered a painful failed FET with adopted embryos. It was a bleak time for us. I share my blog post not to preach but to stand with you as someone who has been where you are and understands how you feel. Thanks for sharing with us. Thinking of you much these days and praying for God to grant you the desires of your heart.

    1. Hi Elizabeth! Thanks so much for posting your response. I know you definitely understand how I feel. I read your post and I understand what you're saying. I definitely do not want the pain of infertility and loss to rob us more than it already has. But I know that what I feel now is temporary. It feels like we are performing triage and trying to stop the bleeding so we can just to stay afloat at the moment. Once the dust has settled, we can go back to real life and letting the world in. But limiting our unnecessary exposure to this kind of pain will help us to gradually accept it back in our lives once again someday. We generally don't avoid situations where children will be. In fact, yesterday we went to the zoo which was full of children. :) We fed the goats surrounded by kids and I even had a discussion with a sweet little three year old girl about the goat who ate out of her hand. But Facebook just takes it to a different level and having it in our face there is just too hard right now.

      I'm happy to see that you have a beautiful son and am wishing you lots of luck in your transfer in August!

  6. Oh...and this post is just for fun... ;)


      "Even dead people are more fertile" and the FB friends are hillarious!!!

  7. You and Kevin need to do what you feel is best to get through this rough patch. Sounds like you are doing that!

    1. Thanks, we feel like we are on the right road with the approach we are taking. :) With time, I know things will get better.

  8. sounds like a great day you have planned! good for your guys for planning a day of things you love!! and BRAVO for letting that FB know that that kind of joke is NOT OK! You should be proud of yourself! I used to spend a ton of time on FB, but ever since I started my blog and reading other peoples, I just don't have time - which is very good!

    1. We had such a perfect day! I can honestly say that the miscarriage and infertility feelings only entered into my mind a handful of times. That's a far cry from how my days have been going so far.

      Yeah, I knew I needed to tell her about how posts like that make IF people feel. She definitely didn't mean to offend, but I think it's important that people realize the lives of SO MANY others. No one would dream about joking about cancer, but for some reason it's okay to make light of giving away children in front of those who may never have any.

  9. I still have trouble with Facebook over a year later. I try not to (especially considering my blessings) but it still hurts sometimes.

    It sounds like you had a good weekend. I'm so glad.

    Cute pets!

    1. Yeah, Facebook is such a weird dynamic. It's so much different from seeing kids in real life too. I'm glad I'm taking a pseudo break from it, it feels like the right thing to do. I'm sorry you still find it painful too.

  10. Oh, FB. I know what you mean... The temptation to compare and be jealous is EVERYWHERE, especially on FB! My nephew joked "does 'FB' stand for 'For Bragging'?"... Basically ;)

    We were one of the first couples to get married amongst our friends but one after another they had one, two, three babies... We will never have our "own" children, which will always separate us from others, and I don't think anyone with biological children can ever fully understand that pain.

    I often think of the pain that others experience though, and how I can't understand fully what THEY are going through (joblessness, singless, medical issues, bad marriages...). I did not deactivate or delete people from FB, but I certainly limited my time on in order to guard my heart until I was stronger. I also try not to post all of our happy moments in order to protect others from the temptation to be jealous. Our lives aren't perfect, but in the pictures all they see are the good times ;)

    1. Yes, you hit the nail on the head on so many levels. FB=For Bragging. :) And we all do it, not just those with children but yes, that feels like it's primary purpose.

      I also agree completely about not understanding the pain others go through. IF has changed me immensely in this way. I am constantly thinking about how my words or actions might inadvertently hurt someone. I know I probably still do without realizing it, but it has made me think about it a lot more often!

  11. I have so many people hidden from my newsfeed for this reason. It's just too much sometimes to log on and see post after post after post of bellies, babies and sonograms. Good for you guys for drawing close to each other. I would like to go to an animal sanctuary. And your cats are so sweet.
