Saturday, April 20, 2013

Overwhelmed by an act of kindness

Finding my muchness - Day 11

Yesterday Kevin brought in the mail and I was surprised to find a small package addressed to me. However, I didn't recognize the name on the return address.

I tore it open and to my surprise, inside was a card and a small box from a blog reader! The card was so sweet and uplifting and was intended to brighten my day. And it did that more than words can even express.

I opened the box and inside was this necklace. I shot a photo with my new camera and it actually captured the beauty!

I was speechless! It was a beautiful snowflake necklace with a little "M" for Maggie. It also had a beautiful blue bead.  It brought tears to my eyes. 

I recently wrote a post about the impact of being kind to strangers but this package had to have been sent before I even wrote that. Not that it would have mattered if it hadn't. :)  This was so powerful and I am so touched at the gesture. I want to pay this forward, and I certainly will.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Lara!

I found my muchness in an incredibly kind gesture from a stranger. 


  1. What a beautiful gift! You really captured its beauty in that photo!

  2. How very very special. Lara is a very compassionate lady! I love her :) I hope your time of healing has been full of the Lord's tender mercies.

  3. That is incredible! Renews your faith in human goodness :)

  4. Wow! That is so sweet. I'm so grateful for you and this community every day. Hugs!

  5. Here from ICLW- Nice to meet you! How beautiful and inspiring... people never fail to surprise me in good ways. Hugs to you on your difficult journey- you certainly deserve a little kindness in your life!

  6. What a nice surprise that must have been. So incredibly sweet.

  7. What a beautiful gesture and gift. Really touching.

  8. Awww... how very touching... and a lovely necklace. here from ICLW, so nice to read your story.

  9. That's so cool! Love the snowflake!

  10. That us beautiful!!!

  11. Hi kind! It's very pretty :)

    ICLW #61

  12. Here from ICLW - that is a beautiful necklace, and so thoughtful of the person who sent it to you! I'm often amazed at how people who start as blog friends can turn into real-life, close friends.
