Monday, April 22, 2013

Some fun, then some un-fun

This weekend was a busy weekend! My dad had his birthday yesterday. It was a special birthday because it was his first one since moving to Texas from Utah. We celebrated by going to dinner then headed back to our house to have some homemade Dr. Pepper ice cream. Everyone had a really good time, including Oscar, and as you can see he was Papa's best birthday buddy. Even Chloe got into the action.

Now onto the un-fun.
I started my week-long on-call rotation assignment yesterday for work. Sure enough, the minute I took over on-call duties I got a call and I had to deal with it until after 1am. I fell asleep an hour or two after that only to get another call at 6:50am. Argh! No fun. I'm already counting down the days until I can hand the on-call duties over to my team mate next Sunday.

Nothing really going on other than that, just waiting patiently for the autoimmune test results but I doubt I'll get those for a couple of weeks. I hope everyone is having a good start to their week!

My muchness was obviously in celebrating my dad's birthday. :)


  1. Hi from ICLW. Hope you get the answers you were hoping for with the test results.

  2. Here from ICLW :) 24 vials of blood!? Yikes! Wishing you well.

    1. Yup, it had to be a record for me. :) Thanks!

  3. I'm sorry, did I just read about Dr. Pepper ice cream???? HOW HAVE I NEVER HEARD OF THIS!?!? I am a Texan!

    ...must google and have this....

    1. LOL it was really good and really easy!!!

    2. Happy birthday to your dad. What do you do for a living? Somehow I have missed this along the way? Doesn't sound like fun to get those midnight phone calls.

    3. I work as an IT Team Lead for an investment and securities company. It has been so bananas crazy this week, I can't even describe it.

      Luckily, no more nighttime calls though. All the craziness has stuck to being during the day!

  4. Happy birthday to your dad! Dr Pepper ice cream!! Sounds awesome especially for your dad since I know what a huge fan he is of that stuff :) Did you make the cake because it looks amazing!

    1. Yup, he loved it too. Nope, I didn't make the cake. It was PF Changs lol. I couldn't eat any because it was gluten, but it was pretty to look at!

  5. Yippy for birthdays! Dr. Pepper ice cream sounds amazing! Was this your first time making it?

  6. Hello, visiting from ICLW, good luck with your immunology tests. Hope you get some answers.

  7. Homemade Dr. Pepper ice cream sounds kind of amazing. If I had any homemaking skills at all, I would try some.

    Good luck with the test results.

    1. It was super easy and really delicious. :) Thanks for the good luck!
