Wednesday, April 3, 2013

New clinic or old clinic?

I'm still recovering physically from the D&C last week. After the scary episode Easter morning where I was in excruciating pain and passed some clots/tissue, I thought that would be it and it was winding down. I stopped bleeding pretty much all day yesterday and even went back into work. However, toward the end of the day I started having pain again, and came home a little early and passed some more tissue! Thankfully it appears I've stopped bleeding yet again so I'm really hoping this comes to an end. The OB nurse said it's fine and to not worry. However, it's difficult for a lot of reasons. Obviously, it's hard to work when you're in a lot of pain and I can't keep running home from work every day. But it also reminds me of what we lost so recently when this continues. I feel like once my body decides to finally heal, I can really work on healing myself emotionally. Regardless, I have an appointment with a grief counselor tomorrow to talk about everything. I'm looking forward to it!

Surprisingly, I'm feeling better emotionally than I thought I would at this point. I think it's a combination of things. First, I knew this pregnancy was failing pretty much since our third beta result. So I had already come to terms with a lot of it so once it was completely over it wasn't such a shock. This isn't to say that I feel wonderful, it's still incredibly difficult. But I'm surprising myself at how I feel. I have a feeling it will sneak up on me later but I'm going to talk to the counselor about that tomorrow. Also, I think I have some hope for the future. 

I am also evaluating which RE we want to use for the next FET. We have loved the actual REs at both clinics, however some of the issues with my current clinic are causing me concern. However, I did get pregnant there so that is a huge plus! I just think it's smart to always think about my options just in case. There are a lot of factors that play into our decision as to where to cycle.

So just to cover my bases, I called my old clinic last week to ask about the status of their donor embryo program that they've been saying is in the works for a while now. When I talked to one of the nurses there, I mentioned our recent loss. She expressed her sympathy but I didn't think much more of it. Until two days ago, we got a sympathy card in the mail from not only that nurse, but the entire nursing staff AND my old RE! They all hand wrote their thoughts and sympathy for us, including the doctor herself. This is impressive considering what a huge clinic they are. They do over 800+ IVF cycles a year, they aren't a small mom and pop shop! To take the time to do that shows how much they care and I'm not even a current patient.

We had already been tossing around the idea of seeing if they would let us cycle with them for the next round. We would have last time if it wasn't for our current embryos allegedly not meeting FDA and ASRM standards. The FDA problem is that the genetic father lived in eastern Europe in the 80s. When my old clinic learned of this, they said they weren't willing to do the cycle there. However my new clinic said that because the embryos were created before the FDA rule came into place (2004 or so I believe) that it didn't apply. I emailed my old clinic yesterday and let them know this asking that they please reconsider. It may not even be an option.

Also a big factor is cost. My current clinic charges $4050 for a FET cycle. My old one charges $2500. My old clinic is incredibly convenient and is right here in Austin. My clinic now is in San Antonio (1.5 hours away) but has a satellite office in Austin. However, it isn't really that close to me and I'm still upset that I was told I had an ectopic pregnancy when I did not.

Lastly, while we are waiting to cycle I am going to get some more blood work done. Even though I don't have repeat losses, we don't have the option to make more embryos like many couples do. So my current RE has agreed to do a autoimmune panel and an MTHFR mutation test after just one loss. I'm wondering if I should request anything else to be added just to cover our bases. 

So that's where we are! Fingers crossed I have a pain free day at work today!

Update: The donor coordinator at the old clinic just responded. She said regardless of the date the embryo was created, they will not cycle me there with it because of current FDA guidelines. So I will stick with my current clinic. That's fine by me. :)


  1. I am happy to hear you are feeling better and that you are going to talk to someone. I think that is awesome that your old clinic sent you such a meaningful card. WE are thinking about changing clinic come IVF time... its up in the air right now.

    1. Thanks so much. I agree, the card was so nice. I hope you find the right answer for your next steps too. Good luck!

  2. Glad you're in a good place emotionally considering everything you've been through. I think those tests would be good to do. More information the better. Keep us posted on the results.

    1. Thanks, yes I agree. It's a LOT of testing, but I'm hoping we will either get some answers that come with treatments, or can rule a bunch of stuff out. I will post what we come up with. :)

  3. I'm so glad you are going to a grief counselor. After our 3rd baby we lost, I went to a grief counselor for a few months. It helped me tremendously! The first 3 or 4 sessions I sat and just bawled through the entire session, but towards the end I was able to reflect and see the healing process beginning.

    Wishing you the best of luck. I would not hesitate to switch clinic's if you feel that's what is best for you. Bottom line, your baby's future is at stake and you need to go where you have the most confidence in their ability! BEst of luck!! xoxo

    1. I'm so glad that the counseling helped you. I have really been looking forward to it! It's the same counselor we went to in order to fulfill the FDA requirement to receive donor embryos and we really liked her! She has a solid grasp on infertility issues and especially donor issues, so I really value her insight.

      Unfortunately, youll read my update but the other clinic still wont cycle with our embryos. But that's okay, I'll still have the monitoring done at the old clinic and thats a happy medium for me. :)

  4. Wonderful that you got a card from your old RE's office! It's nice to know there are caring offices out there!

    1. I agree, it was totally out of left field and super appreciated. I hope you're doing well...I'm thinking about ya!

  5. So glad you are doing OK. I am sorry that physically it has taken many days to be 'over.' That must be difficult. I think you are super smart to see a grief counselor - I bet that will really help! Feeling optimistic about your future!

    1. Thanks so much. I'm thinking it's finally winding down. No real cramping today.

      I'm so looking forward to the counselor! I appreciate the kind words, as always.

  6. I hope that your old clinic is willing to take you with your remaining embryo (and any others you get) That was so sweet of them to send a card! I cried just reading that they did... I know how much I appreciated cards after our miscarriage.

    Prayers and Godspeed!

    1. Unfortunately, they still decided they wont. Oh well! I agree, the card was incredibly touching. Just people making a gesture to show they care means the world. This was the last place I expected to see this kind of support! So sweet!

  7. I love that they sent a card. It shows that even though they're a big clinic, they care.

    Good for you for going to a grief counselor. I know it's made a lot of difference for me to address my emotions over my loss instead of just trying to keep them locked up and dealing with them myself.

    1. I'm so glad that you found some help through a counselor. It's such a difficult thing to go through that sometimes you just know when it's time to ask for help. I can't imagine trying to sort this one out on our own....tooooooo much.

  8. The old clinic sounds like a winner, I hope they'll let you do your FET there! I hope your testing goes really well!

    1. They really are great, but unfortunately they still said no. Oh well! Thanks for the well wishes.

  9. So glad you are going to a grief counselor. I loved that card. It made me tear up. Ugh, that MTHFR abbreviation always makes me think of... a naughty word.
    Hugs to you. I have been thinking about you.

    1. I loved the card too. So sweet! Yes, the MTHFR always makes me think of that too!! LOL I'll probably be saying that if I end up testing positive. :) Thanks for the kind words. I'm actually thinking a lot about you too! *hug*

  10. It's too bad the old clinic won't let you cycle with them, but so sweet of them that they sent a card! And I'm glad you can at least get your monitoring done there! It sounds like you've got a great plan in place!

    I hope the grief counselor helps, and that you feel better soon! Both physically and mentally, but I know the latter can be the hard part. *hugs*

    Take good care of yourself! <3

    1. Yeah, but whatever is meant to be will be. And I'm looking forward to seeing everyone for monitoring appointments. So it's all coming together well. :)

  11. That was incredibly sweet of them to send the card! I'm sorry they are not able to take you, but it sounds like you will be at least be doing your monitoring there. That's huge! I hope your meeting with the counselor helped today. I know it helped my husband and I tremendously when we met with our pastor for some counseling.

    1. Yup! I'm excited too! Yes, the meeting was wonderful. I'll write a post about it soon. I'm so glad I went.
