Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A random act of kindness strikes twice

I came home from work yesterday and a small package was waiting for me on the kitchen table. I hadn't ordered anything, so I was a little surprised to have something waiting for me. As I tore it open, I realized it was from an embryo adoption blogger friend, Jess.

Inside was an incredibly touching letter letting me know how much she appreciated my friendship and how sorry she was for our loss of our baby.

And as if the letter were not touching enough on it's own, there was also this...

Her letter explained that each part of this key chain represented something for our angel baby. The pink stone is for October, the month she was due. The blue stone is the March birthstone, the month she was born into heaven. And of course the snowflake represents that she was a snowflake baby. The heart says "you are always in my heart" which is something I had written on my blog when we planted her Magnolia tree. 

The continuing outpouring of love and support we have experienced has been unreal. I am still just in awe at how lucky and blessed I am. 

I had to share this act of thoughtfulness and kindness with you all because it was so touching! I have a beautiful key chain and a beautiful necklace to always remind me of the little one who waits for me in heaven. I am so touched by the random acts of kindness from my blogger friends. I am eternally grateful for you.

We are still moving full-steam ahead in working through the process to adopt our new four precious snowflake babies. There is a lot of coordination involved, and we are working diligently with both clinics to get everything in order. Libby has been fantastic! She is very determined and has been relentless on getting her side of things done, and I am very grateful! 

At the moment I am waiting for a checklist of blood tests from my clinic that the donor needs to have (or get done) for my clinic to accept the embryos. We are also waiting for the attorney to return his first draft of our embryo contract. There is just so much to try to get done before Libby has her baby, which has been our goal. It's been hard to post daily for the muchness challenge that I started, so I think I'll end my challenge a little early. Just know that I continue to make a habit to find the simple joys in life, and that has helped me get through the dark times.


  1. That's so wonderful! Isn't it amazing the connections we can make through blogging?

  2. Awwww... People can be so kind :)

  3. Awww.... That's so great! I love our little Embryo Adoption Blog community!

  4. This is so beautiful! As sorry as I am for your loss, I am excited for your new adventure!

  5. super sweet! looking forward to your next cycle!!

  6. Beautiful! so much love in this community :)

  7. What a beautiful gesture! I'm so glad that you are feeling love.

  8. The friendships that are made through the blogging community are amazing. I'm so glad that you have so many people supporting you and cheering you on. Good luck getting everything done for those new little embryos you are adopting!
