Friday, April 12, 2013

Post-op update and new hobby

Shortly after I wrote yesterday's post, the OBs office called me back. This time instead of an obnoxious scheduler, it was one of my favorite nurses. You know why she's one of my favorite nurses? She listens! She cares! Is that too much to ask? :) Anyway, as I explained the situation, instead of scolding me or trying to figure out when to do the appointment, she took the approach of do I even need to have this appointment to begin with? Sure enough, she talked to the OB and he confirmed I did not need to come in after all and that this appointment was actually optional for most patients. I still can't take a bubble bath or use our hot tub for another two weeks, but at least I can start exercising again! Life is returning to normal! Yippee!

In other news, I took a look at my blog post yesterday, specifically at that delicious cupcake picture. That photo was taken with my phone camera. In fact, all of the photos I take are with my phone camera. Despite how rich and pretty that cupcake was in real life, the photo just seemed so.....blah. 

I wish I had a good camera. 
And I wish I knew how to use it.

I've always had an interest in photography, and in fact I used to work as a graphic designer in the early 2000s and am very familiar with photo editing.  But the technical aspects of an SLR always seemed very overwhelming to learn so I haven't made it a priority to take it up as a hobby. But now that I'm blogging and posting photos, I have a much renewed interest in it! Plus, I am tired of infertility and treatments being my unwanted hobby in life. I'm sick of it trying to define who I am. I need something else to occupy me, and I think this is a perfect thing to do just that. I remember when all of the technical aspects of TTC and infertility treatments used to overwhelm me. Now, I could practically write my own book on it and teach classes! Hopefully I'll pick up what I need to know quickly.

My friend Candace has a blog over at cheese and cheesecake (non-IF blog.) She started off blogging a long time ago, and took up photography as a hobby for her blog. She has become so good, and is so incredibly talented that now she owns her own photography business. You can see her beautiful photos! I'm lucky to have such a professional to answer my newbie questions and give me pointers. She's even helping me figure out what camera to get! More news to come on that later, but I wanted to share how excited I am to get into this and have something else to focus on other than infertility.

Finding my muchness - Day 3

This photo was taken last night (again with my crappy camera phone.) Every once and a while, Kevin and I will make howling noises and Oscar will join right in. It always makes us laugh. Both of them are great howlers! HOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLL!

I found my muchness in my wonderful doggy/hubby pack!  :)

PS: If you have a dog, this video will get him/her to howl. It works for Oscar every single time.


  1. PLEASE share your friend's insight on which camera to get. I bought a Canon SLR about 15 years ago and LOVED IT. But it was a 35 mm and I got caught up in the digital craze. My hubby has a Nikon SLR 35 mm, so we got rid of my Canon. But, now I am interested in upgrading from my point and shoot digital to an SLR. I feel like I am missing out on some precious photos and I wish I would have upgraded 2 years ago.
    So glad you didn't have to go in for the post op and that you got the answers you were looking for...

    1. My friend uses Nikon, but since I had a special interest in the Canon, we narrowed it down to the Canon 60D. She said that she knows people who have the Canon T3i and love it too. Her best advice was to not buy a camera that comes with a lens in the kit. Instead, buy the body and pick up a "nifty fifty" lens which is a 50mm f/stop 1.8. I hope that helps!!

  2. WE have a Canon T3 and we love it. We have no clue how to use it, but it takes great photos!

    I am happy that your fav nurse called you back. I love that photo of the males in your life ;-)

    1. I hear it's a great camera! Glad you like the photos of my boys. :)

  3. I've got a Canon DSLR T1 and LOVE it. I actually found a groupon last summer (during the same post-disaster-I-need-to-DO-SOMETHING period) for an online digital photo class - it helped me learn so much about the camera!

    1. I am so excited to get started, I can barely contain myself. I found a place that offers SLR classes for only 50 dollars and Kevin can join me. I think we are going to do that in May sometime!

  4. Infertility as an "unwanted hobby" is a perfect description! If only I gave every hobby as much attention. I too was thinking of getting a new camera. I love taking nature photos. I look forward to see how you progress.

    1. Yup, it's been my hobby for far too long. I can't wait to see what this new camera is capable of. :) Thanks for following along!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I can't believe they would give you such a scolding over an appointment that you don't even need to have. Glad you were able to talk to the nice nurse and you were able to get it worked out, and so you can feel better about the whole thing.

    I've always wanted to have a good camera, but have never had more than a simple point and shoot. I'm excited for you and your new FUN hobby :)
