Saturday, February 23, 2013

A dream come true: Telling Gamma and Papa the news

Yesterday was a day Kevin and I had dreamed about for a very long time: Announcing a pregnancy to Kevin's mom and my dad.

After we got the call from the nurse, we grabbed the special items we had bought for both of them respectively and we headed out the door. First stop, Papa's house.

We walked in the door, and he was on the phone. He quickly hung up because he knew we were there with the news of the outcome of our cycle. He's blind, so we tried to keep a poker face in the tone of voice and had him sit down. But the first thing out of his mouth was "Are you excited!?" It was like he already had planned it it being positive! That majorly threw me off of my game! I said "You don't even know what the results are yet...why don't you sit down?"

He was only expecting good news I guess, because when we told him the cycle worked, he didn't seem overly surprised. He said he was very happy for us and proud of our courage to get through such a hard process. Kevin asked that my dad say a special paternal prayer with us and ask for special blessings for this baby and pregnancy. This shocked me because Kevin isn't very religious! I thought it was so sweet and was a perfect thing to do next! This overjoyed my dad to be asked to say such a special prayer over us and our child(ren.) He said a LONG prayer. It had to be at least 10 minutes long! He had a lot to say, of course. :) I could hear his voice shake and even though my eyes were closed, I am 99% sure he was crying. I gave him the items we bought for him. A baby tee shirt, a photo frame that says "Papa's the name, spoiling's my game", and a book. I made him pose for a photo. :)

He mentioned how holding the little tee shirt just made him very excited thinking that there would be a baby in his arms in October! Even though he was blind he could appreciate how tiny it was. On the way out the door, I had him put his hand on my tummy to get the first touch of his new grandchild(ren.)

We left his house and headed to Gamma's house. I emailed her the day before and told her we were going to stop by her house with the news whether it be positive or negative. We knocked on her door, but she didn't answer. We tried a few more times until finally Kevin called her. I guess she was asleep! She let us in and we kept our poker faces again. Kevin said "We got our test results today. I don't think I can read them.  I want you to read them." So she put on her Gamma glasses, and Kevin gave her the onesie from his pocket that says "Gamma 'heart's me." It took her a few seconds to register that she wasn't looking at a paper with a negative result, but instead was being told she is expecting her first grandchild(ren.) She instantly started crying! I pulled the other items out of my purse. There was a "I love grandma" picture frame and books and I handed them to her too. This part is kind of a blur because it made me cry too. Even Kevin was crying! I think he said somewhere in there "You're going to be a grandma!"

I told her that I originally bought one book for my mom to read, but since she is now in heaven I hope she'd do the honor of telling our kids about the Grandma in heaven whenever she reads our kids that particular book. She said she would, of course!

I would have snapped a photo with her and all of her items except she just woke up and she would have certainly said no to a photo op. Oh well, the photo of her joy is forever in my head. :)

We agreed we'd all go to dinner to celebrate that night!

Kevin called his sister and I called both of my brothers. We explained we were expecting a baby from our miracle snowflake adopted embryos and everyone was extremely excited. I am not very close to my brothers so I was not sure of what kind of reaction I'd get. However, my heart was warmed hearing how accepting and happy they were for us!

We had a wonderful dinner at a fancy restaurant and both Gamma and Papa talked all night long about their joy and elation.

I wish I could say I had 100% fallen into accepting this is really happening, but infertility robs you of the innocent joy that other people experience after their big BFP. After so many failures, I can't help but shake the idea that all of this will be stolen from us around the next corner. I wish I could say I was finally calm after getting that call, but in reality I am more anxious than ever. Now that I have seen everyone experience such joy and elation, the idea of "untelling" everyone makes me so sick that I can hardly bear it. I am praying with everything I have that this pregnancy continues to progress and that my beta is doubling properly on Monday. Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! It's tough to completely let go and embrace it, but it's hard...*sigh*

  2. That must have been so much fun telling everyone! I think you are really brave to share your news so early. I absolutely understand your nerves. They say the next 2ww before the u/s is the worst and I tend to agree! But you will always have these moments of sharing with your families. That is something you will always have now and something you haven't had before. Cherish it regardless of what the future holds because those are very special memories you just made. Right now, you ARE pregnant!! Take comfort in knowing God is on your side.

    1. It was fun, but scary at the same time. Both of them already knew of our struggle and our infertility treatments and were completely in the loop on our FET. So it was natural to tell them. We've always decided we would tell our family once we knew because if something bad happened, we'd need the support.

    2. I totally understand that :)

  3. Thats awesome!!! Can't wait for U/S!!

  4. This was so sweet! I'm so glad the only tears shed were happy ones :)
