Thursday, February 21, 2013

I'm having puppies or kittens, depending on who I talk to.

I've been telling our dog Oscar "I'm having puppies! There are puppies in here!" pointing to my tummy. I figure I need to explain it in a way he understands. And of course, I tell the cats I'm having kittens. I still don't think any of them get it. :) Shocker.

My friend Candace surprised me by sending some baby stuff to us yesterday. I opened up the package and instantly started crying. Kevin wasn't home at the time, but Oscar was next to me since he's generally my shadow. I turned to him with tears in my eyes saying "Is this really happening? Is this really happening?" It just hit me hard that I'm getting baby gifts because I'm pregnant! Wow!

And onto some more exciting news, I got an email from Vicky yesterday. She is thinking about making a trip to Texas this summer with her son Alex. Oh. My. GOSH. We would be so incredibly excited to finally meet her and her son in person, especially while so far along in my pregnancy. Can you just imagine how wonderful that would be?

And tomorrow is the big beta day! I've had the day off of work ever since I got my official calendar. I figured I'd need the day off in the event I got bad news. But I'm feeling pretty confident about the results at this point since I've been POAS in the mornings and the wondfos are getting darker every day. I realize anything could still happen, but I'm trying to ride the positivity train as long as I can. I'm also having regular cramping. Something is definitely going on in there.

My first beta is tomorrow, my second will be Monday. If my numbers are doubling correctly, then our first ultrasound will be March 8th. That will put me at 6w2d pregnant. I'm not sure if that's too early to hear a heartbeat, but we will definitely be able to do a count. Two or one?

I probably won't post again until I have my beta results. I appreciate all of the prayers for a great number and then again for Monday's to double appropriately. Have a wonderful day!

I appreciate any and all thoughts and prayers you have for rockstar numbers!


  1. I'm glad you like the books!! And that'd be AMAZING if Vicky came to TX! Gotta introduce them to things like tubing, Schlitterbahn, BBQ, kolaches, basically all the TX things I

    When I got my first ultrasound, Caleb measured 6w3d. He was barely a blob, couldn't hear the heartbeat yet, but could definitely see it beating on the screen :)

    1. Unfortunately, I won't be tubing even though that sounds like so much fun, I'll be huge by then! But I'll give them a trip to Texas to remember! That's for sure. I want to show them the world while they are here. We are so grateful for them and we want to pull out all the stops! Definitely some good BBQ and everything Texas. Yeeeeee haw. lol

      So crazy to think Caleb came from a blob, or that I'm pregnant with those embryos in the photo I posted on the 12th!

    2. Ahh that's right! Probably not a good idea, but TX has so many amazing things to offer :) They'll probably leave with a pair of cowboy

      I know!! It's amazing :)

  2. I never thought about telling our dog, Mookie, that I'm having puppies. Maybe he would understand it better! Totally going to try it :)

    Prayers for your beta! :)

    1. You might want to give it a try, Mookie just might be smart enough. Oscar, unfortunately just stares at me. :) Thanks for the prayers!

  3. Those tests are definitely getting darker! 6w,2d might be a little too soon for the heartbeat, but you'll definitely get a peek at the baby(s)!! Good luck with the beta tomorrow!

  4. Praying for great beta number tomorrow! Love that you're telling your pets...HAHA! :) - Kelly

    1. I talk to my pets more than I should admit. ;-)

      Thanks for the prayers!
