Wednesday, February 27, 2013

5w0d milestone! Abnormal TSH levels

Today marks a new milestone. I'm 5w0d on the dot. I'm feeling pretty good physically! I've been somewhat tired, have some minor swelling in my gums, somewhat tender boobs, but no nausea or anything else. Not even cramping anymore! Even when I've had the not-so-pleasant symptoms, they make me happy because it means I'm pregnant. Is that weird to like having pregnancy symptoms or what?

Onto other news, I got the TSH results back from my blood draw on Monday. I have never had an abnormal thyroid result come back in my life before, but the lab work did show it was slightly elevated now. It came back at 2.54 and they want to see it under 2.5 for pregnancy. So close, yet so far away. :) I had no idea what this meant, but my nurse said it's very normal for TSH to go up during pregnancy. But it's also very important that we bring it down to a better level for the baby's sake. Higher TSH can dramatically increase miscarriage and early labor. The good news is, I can be treated with an extremely low daily dose of Synthroid - only 25mcg. It's an interesting medication though because I have to take it on a completely empty stomach, and not eat or drink anything for at least an hour after taking it. I also have to wait to take my other medications until that hour has passed since it's very persnickity and won't absorb properly if there are other contents in the stomach.

I have to say, I am very pleased with my REs proactive approach in monitoring these kinds of things. They drew my P4 early in the game, caught a problem when it was too low, and adjusted it accordingly to fix it. And now they've caught this before something bad happened too! I guess it can take up to a month for the TSH levels to be impacted so lets pray this helps bring the TSH down and this baby(ies) is okay in the meantime.

Because of our somewhat low/average beta numbers, I have a feeling we have a singleton in there. I'd think our numbers would be much much higher for twins. For some reason I've been also thinking it's a girl. Who the heck knows? But I'm going to toot my own horn for a second and tell you that I've been 100% correct in guessing my friends' and family's baby's genders for the past five years or so. One hundred percent. I know its just the luck of the odds, but still, I'm on a serious streak. We'd be happy for anything that God gives us, but that's just my hunch.

I had a weird dream last night where I had to go to my regular doctor for some blood tests related to blood sugar. While there, I mentioned that I was pregnant and this young nurse decided to do an abdominal ultrasound on me right away. In fact, she was so abrupt that I was standing up even in a crowd of people in the waiting room. She counted twins! I was shocked, excited, but kind of upset that Kevin wasn't with me to find this out. I've heard pregnancy can give you wacky dreams, so I'll chalk it up to that.


  1. I have hypothyroidism and I agree Synthroid is picky. Biggest things to avoid soon after taking it are calcium and soy. I usually take my Synthroid on an empty stomach in the morning and then everything else at night. But obviously you may have other meds. ;)

    1. Thank you for the insight. I think I'll be taking it right when I wake up, then my estrogen will be about 2 hours later. It didn't seem too bad after all.

  2. I have hypothyroidism also and the meds do have be taken correctly but if they are it will work. Hang in there. You have a great RE.

    1. This is very reassuring to hear! :) Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh yes, pregnancy gives you wacky dreams! Just wait! But it's kind of fun :)

    I know all about "enjoying" the symptoms because they mean you have a baby growing in there. I have horrible heart burn and gas for the first time in my life, but that's good!!! :)

    Good thing they tested the thyroid and caught it. It sounds like an easy fix!

    1. I wonder what other dreams I'll have? As long as I don't have too many nightmares!

  4. I was diagnosed with mild hypothyroidism while we were ttc. I finally had blood work done after four months without a period and they discovered that my TSH was elevated and my T4 was low. They put me on 25mg of synthroid and my levels have been right around one ever since. I continue to get it checked every month just to be safe. I take my pill around 6-7am and then I usually fall back asleep so it's not so bad. Glad they tested you and you can begin treatment!!!

    1. This is great to hear. I think I should probably keep it near my bed so I can do the same thing. I thought about this morning when I got up do use the bathroom before finally waking up. It seems easier to take when you can go back to sleep.

  5. I have never commented here, but I have two children from embryo adoption and another singleton on the way from the same set of embryos. I LOVE embryo adoption and I am so thankful that you are enjoying being pregnant! It is no small thing to get there! I have had a hypothyroid for a long time and have used medication. My OB said that it can be really hard to distinguish pregnancy hormone from thyroid hormone and so she made sure that my levels were close to normal but also went on how I was feeling. She also said that studies have shown that as long as you are on something - it is helpful. Glad that they caught it for you. I wanted to comment just in case that can be an encouragement to you that it isn't necessarily something to be real concerned about being exact, especially while pregnant as the numbers can get confused in testing.


    1. Thank you for commenting! Congratulations on your success with embryo adoption! How wonderful!

      I appreciate the insight on the thyroid hormone and pregnancy. It sounds like we are on the right track with the Synthroid, and I too am glad they caught it. I think I won't worry about it anymore. There are enough other things to worry about, right? :)

  6. I have thyroid issues anyway, but during pregnancy my levels went up within the first few weeks. The baby has no thyroid function the first trimester and draws completely from the momma so it is quite common for your levels to rise during pregnancy. Glad they caught it early. :)

    1. Oh is that why it goes up? Interesting! I am glad they caught it too!

  7. You and I are on such similar timelines & situations! I'll be 7 weeks on Saturday. I had my tsh tested after my 2nd beta & it was 3.19. They put me on the same low dose of thyroid meds & in just one week it came down to 2.41. Glad to hear your RE is being proactive, too!

    1. Wow! That's crazy! I had no idea they could be impacted so quickly, I thought it took a month. That's fantastic news though!!

  8. It is so normal to think about every single pregnancy symptom you get and to WANT to get them! It's nice to be able to "know" you are pregnant. Good luck with the thyroid meds.

  9. I also found out I was pregnant on February 16th! We must be due on the same day!! It will be super exciting to follow along with you!!

    1. We might be the same due date, or we might just be close. I'm due Oct 30. What about you?

    2. I am due October 28th!! That is super close!
