Saturday, February 2, 2013

An infertile's junk room. We all have one.

Let me start by telling you what a fantastic night's sleep I got last night. First time this entire week. Just one more night of being on-call. *squeeeeeee* I feel like a million bucks right now. I'll enjoy it until the inevitable side effects of the Estrace kick in.

Now that we know our transfer is officially a "go" we booked a hotel room in San Antonio and officially took the time off of work. My husband will be taking good care of me and pampering me while I'm on bed rest. I'm definitely looking forward to it.

Today will be spent cleaning. I know that doesn't sound very exciting at face value, but it actually is. Because today we will be cleaning out our "junk room." Many infertiles have a junk room just like this. It's the room that is the would-be nursery, but ends up being a messy, cluttered, and out-of-control physical representation of their lives. It's a painful reminder of what they don't have, and may never have.

It's limbo.

In our case, our current junk room won't actually be the nursery, but it needs to be cleaned out so we can move the guest room furniture out of the intended nursery room and into the current junk room. Then we will make the current junk room into a guest room.

We've had on our to-do list for over two years. Two painful, messy, cluttered, and out-of-control years.

Last night my husband said to me how incredibly important it was to him to finally get it cleared out. He said it helps him feel involved in the process. This makes my heart soar whenever he says things like this. You'll remember this post from a few days ago, and it thrills me to no end watching him find ways to be a big part of this.

This is very symbolic. We've put this off for so long because we've had no hope. It hurt too much daydreaming about a nursery, let alone actually doing something to make it happen.

Well, today we are finally going to clean it out.

I can't wait to start brainstorming decor ideas for both rooms. I love home decor and both of these rooms are so BLAH. We'll start working on the guest room for now, but will wait to brainstorm for the nursery until we are actually pregnant.

After we are done clearning we will get some Vietnamese Pho for lunch. It's going to be a great day!


  1. How exciting!!! Have fun cleaning!! I feel your pain with a junk room...although its only been 5 months in this house so we haven't acquired all that much junk yet, LOL :)

  2. I'm so glad to know I am not the only one with a junk room! It's actually getting worse as we continue to seek treatment. Best wishes with the transfer!

    1. I'm sorry about your junk room. :( It stinks that any of us have to have one instead of a nursery.

  3. We actually have 2 junk rooms!! Ugg.

    1. We have two junk rooms too. Two rooms that could be nurseries, but instead they are filled with anything and everything.

    2. Two, wow! I'm sorry. Hopefully things will turn around and you can turn at least one (if not both) into the nurseries you both deserve.

  4. We have one too. I give the tour to my house like..."this is the junk room. Hopefully some day it will be a nursery."

    But is still the junk room 4 years later. Happy cleaning and enjoy your lunch!

    1. Yup, that sounds about right. Same with us. I usually just keep that door closed during house tours and pretend it doesn't exist. Thanks for the well wishes, lunch was fabulous. YUM. :)

  5. Hooray for cleaning! :)

    We have five bedrooms. Our master, an office, a guest room, and two mostly empty rooms. One has a bunch of cat stuff in it, the other our overflow stuffed animals... we're giant dorks, and have lots of them. The stuffed animal room has always been the intended nursery... and we planned to move kid 1 into the cat room, so we could keep the nursery for #2. Oh how naive we were when we moved into this house......

    Here's hoping we both get to put our junk rooms to good use, real soon now! :)

  6. I love the cat tree front and center in the junk room - quintessential infertile paraphernalia! Enjoy your cleaning.

    1. LOL yup. We couldn't bear to get rid of that awful thing even though it was falling apart. The cat likes to go in there and lay on it. Oh well, today it finally hit the curb for trash pick up. Woot woot!

  7. I have a junk room as well. I keep putting off getting it organized. Maybe I should just do it to help prepare ourselves. I am having an ER later this week.

    1. I figured it was a good idea to prepare, and even if our ET doesn't work, at least we will have accomplished something - and have a nice, clean room. Good luck, I hope you are successful too!

  8. I wanted to paint my "junk room" last month so had to move all the junk to the guest room. Well I quit mid-paint project after finding about our failed cycle. And now literally have a half painted empty junk room and a junky guest room. I'm not motivated enough to finish/organize either.

    1. Aww *Hug* I can totally relate. IF is such a horrible monster that pulls us in a deep, dark limbo. It's just not fair.

  9. It has taken us 6 months to clean out our "storage" room. My husband has been "storing" things in it for 10 years, so it took quite a lot of time! Best of luck to you!

    1. I can only imagine how packed that room must have been. I'm glad you cleaned it out. Thanks for the well wishes!

  10. Ah, yes, the "junk room". I had two but one is now Maddie's room and it was amazing to finally be able to clean it out. Now the second one is in limbo, hoping to be the new nursery one day.

    I can't wait to to see you start planning your nursery!!!!

    1. I hope you get that second nursery very soon, Jess. :) Thank you for your support and friendship.

  11. We have 5 bedrooms, and 4 of them rarely get used. An office, a guest room, and two empty rooms, one with a few cat things, the other with overflow stuffed animals. So I guess our two junk rooms will be really easy to repurpose. But I get where you're coming from.

    It must feel so good to be able to make progress with yours! :)

    1. Oh it sure does! I hope you're able to get yourself a nursery sometime soon Meg. :)
