Thursday, February 7, 2013

Please pray for our embryos right now

Please pray for our embryos. I just got a call from the lab.

Four of the five are only day one zygotes. They are planning to thaw them today, watch them grow, and will have an update for us on Saturday.
The fifth is a day 6 blast. It originally was a day 1, was thawed and grown, then refrozen which can harm the quality.

I am terrified and could use all of the prayers you have right now that at least two of these make it to a good quality that can be transferred. If they all arrest, I feel like I'll have to be institutionalized.


  1. Oh I am praying for your babies! I think it is good news that the one made it to a 6 day blast. Hopefully that is a sign that the others will too!! How scary not to have known this info before! This whole process is just scary and nerve racking. I'm praying for your little embryos and for peace for you and Kevin. Good luck!

    1. I didn't realize they were Day 1 embryos, and my clinic never told me despite me asking them many many times! I'm irritated with them more than anything. But the more I read about it, it might actually be a blessing. I appreciate the prayers SO MUCH!

  2. This is a very exciting day! I hope you have something planned to help you relax! I will be thinking about you and sending positive thoughts your way! My blog post for the day is perfect for you - so please check it out! ;-)

    1. I can't listen at work, but I'll check it out either tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for sharing. And you're right - I've been looking at it all wrong. It IS very exciting. These babies are waking up!

  3. Definitely praying for you now and through the weekend. I know how stressful it was when our embryos were thawed and they were thawed only an hour before my transfer! Whenever someone came into my curtained area for whatever reason, I would ask, "Do you know how my snowbabies are?" No one knew... It was so frustrating! Finally the doctor came in and said they both survived and looked absolutely perfect. Praying you get the same news! :)

    1. I know exactly what you mean! I'm so glad that you made it through and now have your beautiful little Lucas as a result. Thank you so much for the prayers.

  4. Prayers!

    According to the NEDC, the 1 day old embryos have the highest chance of surviving the thaw and an equal chance at pregnancy :)

    They worked for us! :)

    1. This is so comforting to hear, Malia! I appreciate the prayers and you sharing this.

  5. Many many prayers going out for your little babies!! The Lord has them in His hands, no matter the outcome. BLESSINGS! - Kelly

    1. You are absolutely right. It's not my will that matters here, it's God's. He's got them right where they need to be.

  6. Praying for your little snowbabies!

  7. Praying Praying Praying!
