Thursday, February 14, 2013

Progesterone hates me. (Warning, TMI post ahead)

I'm at 3dp5dt. The theme of today's post is going to be progesterone and how much I hate it. Sorry ahead of time for being negative, but I have to give you the update and hopefully you'll understand why.

Yesterday morning, I went in for some lab work to check my progesterone levels. I didn't think much of it until I got a call back from the nurse saying mine came in low at 9.6 and they wanted to see if at around 20. She said I needed to double my PIO to 2mL and add a Crinone application in the mornings. Seemed simple enough despite the fact that I was a now stressed that my progesterone wasn't on target like it should be. I did some research and also had a fellow IF friend talk me off my ledge over email and I realized it's not nearly as big of deal as I was making it out to be. Many REs don't even check progesterone levels between the transfer and beta so it sounds like mine was just being very cautious. Has anyone had an experience with low progesterone? How did it turn out?

So our nightly PIO time rolled around at 7:30pm and I drew up the new massive amount of PIO. Kevin found a spot and pushed the needle in. However the insertion of the needle itself this time felt like a hot knife going into my backside. It was EXCRUCIATING. I think he may have hit a nerve or something because the PIO hadn't even been pushed in at that point. It was a billion times worse than PIOs I've had so far. Kevin felt really bad even though it wasn't his fault, of course. I had to sit on a heating pad for over an hour and it felt like someone had hit me in the hip with a baseball bat. I'm not exaggerating. It was a doozy. Has anyone else out there had a random excruciating PIO shot occur like this?

I got super tired and decided to go to bed at 9:30pm. I slept until around 12:30am when I was awakened by some of the worse stomach cramps in my life. I sprung out of bed and ran to the bathroom (sorry for the upcoming TMI) and thought I'd need to go number two. Yet, I couldn't. Nothing was happening no matter how hard I tried! Yet I desperately needed to! What the heck??? This is the definition of torture, ladies and gentlemen. I was in so much pain and discomfort I seriously started questioning if I needed to call to Kevin to take me to the ER but I couldn't bear the thought of leaving the bathroom.

The house was freezing cold at this time of night yet I was dripping sweat all over my head and chest and started violently throwing up. This went on for over an hour until I finally was able to "go" after a ton of straining. I felt much better once everything was all out.

This situation was so violent I was terrified that I hurt our embryos somehow.  It was just all around hell on earth, there is no other way to say it. Someone please tell me something that will help me feel like our embryos are all right. I know I can't push them out, right? Yes, I was sweating like mad but I hope that didn't raise my core temperature. I need some puppies and rainbows today to make me feel better.

When I crawled back into bed, I was drenched in sweat, yet freezing at the same time, and I couldn't get warm even under about three thick blankets after 20 minutes or so. But eventually, I did and dozed off and I feel 95% better today. My stomach is still not completely right but I'm able to function and am getting ready for work.

I've had similar episodes to this early last year, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the one last night. I read online that one of the side effects of progesterone is constipation, and that sounds like a big component of last night's violent episode. I pray that doesn't happen again, I seriously felt like I was going to die! It was very scary.

Oh and when I ran into the bathroom, I accidently let the dog out. So he roamed the house all night last night and peed in the dining room. Oh happy day!! LOL

Thanks for hearing me out. Does anyone have any tips for dealing with progesterone side effects? I've heard prunes. Anything else?

For Valentine's tonight, Kevin and I are just staying in. I'm cooking Steak au Poivre which is a simple yet amazing beef tenderloin dish where you get to light the pan on fire. Always impressive. :) Kevin is making chocolate fondue for dessert. It should be a nice night as long as I don't get sick again. Fingers crossed!


  1. I'm so sorry for all your pain! I never had any side affects when I was on progesterone (I say that and of course I probably will this next cycle). I do understand your nerves though. You just have to stay calm so those babies can latch on!

    1. Thanks so much. Yes, I didn't have side effects until we upped the dose. Just crazy. I'll try to stay calm, I think I'm doing much better today. :)

  2. My RE didn't even check Progesterone until beta day. So, I don't think that is anything to worry about. And also, rest assured you can't push the embryos out either. Hope you get a BFP soon! :)

    1. That's what I hear. I've chilled out a lot about the levels. Trying to stay positive! :)

  3. Yes, we had a few times that the PIO injection hurt like heck. It wasn't too often that it was THAT painful, but it did happen a few times. Does Kevin pull back on the syringe after injection? If he is in the muscle, there will be resistance and he won't be able to pull back. However, if he hit a nerve the syringe will fill with blood. If that happens, he needs to pull it out, put on a new needle and start again. Hubby never hit a nerve with me, but I reminded him to check almost every night. Stay toward the upper and outer glute quadrant to stay away from the sciatic nerve.

    Also, constipation is a major side effect of progesterone and pregnancy in general. I have experienced major cramping just before having to poop. I would have no problem actually pooping, but the lead up to it was awful!

    I'm sorry it was such a poor night for you, but I'm hoping that is your first real symptom of actually being pregnant!!!

    1. One thing of note, if there is blood, it will only be a small amount. You do not need to throw away the medicine or syringe, you only need to change the needle out (as directed by my nurse). Because it is your blood and only a small amount, it can be injected along with the medicine. Sounds awful, but it's okay.

    2. Thanks for the tips! Luckily, Kevin does draw back before injecting and so far (knock on wood) he hasn't hit a blood vessel yet. And last night's shot didn't hurt so we are back on track.

  4. With Amber--making sure to pull back on the syringe so no blood is in there. That actually happened to us a couple of times and our nurse said to just pull it out about 1/4 inch to get away from the vessel.

    Also about the constipation---I took a small Colace every night with my meds as directed by my clinic when I was having trouble. It really helped and I eventually tried it every other day and so on until I was able to phase out.

    Praying for you and those sweet babies!! :)

    1. I picked up some Colace yesterday. I'll start taking one every day hoping we don't have another episode. Thanks!

  5. Get some Stool Softener, it will help you be looser. Don't worry, it won't make you leak, just easier to go!
    Good luck to you and hang in there - it will all be worth it.

    1. I got some Colace and I'm crossing my fingers it will help. Thanks for the tip. :)

  6. I have been on probiotics for a long time and I think that helped me not get constipated from the Progesterone. It almost sounds like you had a stomach bug last night. Like others, my RE never checked progesterone level until beta day. Sending sticky vibes your way!

    1. Kevin said something similar about probiotics. I just finished a course of antibiotics so I have a feeling that my stomach is really messed up without the good bacteria ON TOP of the added progesterone. No wonder I was so sick!

  7. pio = hot flashes and prenatals = constipation! So these symptoms sound right on track!! Sorry you were miserable! I hope you have a nice date night toight! I am sure the doubled injection will do the trick! And remember the embies cant fall out! It will either work or it wont and it won't be your fault!

    1. Yeah, it's hard to remember that it's not my fault. If it doesn't work, I'm going to have to really tell myself that being sick that night didn't cause it. It's hard! :(

  8. In the past, we asked our RE if we were maybe doing the shots wrong, he assured us that as long as the PIO was going into your body, it will work.

    A few times the PIO injection was more painful than usual. Then the soreness would kick in and I'd feel like I was punched in the butt. A baseball bat is a good analogy, though, I like it better. Who gets punched in the butt?

    1. LOL yeah exactly! I still feel sore on that side and usually it's gone by now.

  9. We definitely had a few really bad shots... and some that didn't hurt going in but left me with a limp. It sucks, but keep your mind focused on the goal- it makes it all worthwhile.
    My RE doesn't check progesterone until beta either, so your is being extra careful. 9.6 isn't terribly low but it's good that they caught it. The crinone doesn't really register in the blood, so your embies have more progesterone around them then the number lets on. So- no worries!!
    You're in our prayers!

    1. Thanks for the reassurement. You're right, it's not that bad, and with the added progesterone and Crinone, I'm sure I'll be as good as I can be. I'll get a retest for it on Monday. Fingers crossed. Thanks for the payers!

  10. I don't have any advice on the PIO, but I hope you feel better soon! *hugs* And have a Happy Valentine's Day! :)

    1. Thanks! I do feel better. Much. I hope you had a great valentines day too!

  11. So, if this is how your body is on progesterone, this is how your body is on pregnancy, which is when the placenta starts to make a lot of progesterone. Be VERY VERY VERY proactive about this -- I know a lot of women who have permanent hemorrhoids after pregnancy.

    Step 1: Fiber! Fiber fiber fiber. The RDA is something like 30g of fiber for an adult, and most Americans are way under. Veggies and fruit! Make all your grains whole grains. That is all nice and well, and you should definitely do that, but it may not be enough in pregnancy. Fiber supplements -- Fiber One has a wide line of cereals and bars and other products that all have extra fiber added. Kashi Go Lean is another excellent line of breakfast cereals and bars - this is particularly nice because it tends to be high fiber and high protein both, and not artificially sweetened like the Fiber One if you care about that during pregnancy. Annnnd, there are also sugar-free Fiber Gummies out there (made by Vita-Fusion, I think) that are tasty, too. If you are eating a low fiber diet, you may not want to ramp up slowly, since it can take your body a while to get acclimated, but EAT THE FIBER.

    Step 2: LOTS and lots and lots of water. LOTS. Fiber increases the bulk of your stools, and the way it does that without making them superhard is by drawing water into the stool as well. So, you need to be drinking a lot of water so you don't get rehydrated. Fruit slices or mint or carbonation or tea (decaf or herbal) can make this more fun. I know that you will be peeing a ton ANYWAY because of the pregnancy hormones, so it will be a pain to be drinking so much water, but do it! It will really really really help.

    Bonus points: Pears and prunes have a lot of a sugar called sorbitol that helps draw more water into the stools as well. There are also stool softeners out there that you can take - talk to your doctor about it. But the fiber and water combo should be your first step.

    Good luck!

    And there is NO WAY that you displaced the embryos. Not possible. Seriously, don't worry about it.

    1. Thanks for all of the good tips and reassurement! The funny thing is that I always take 3 fiber pills every night with dinner. I have been doing that since my mom got sick with colon cancer since there are studies that show it can help reduce your risk of it. But I should make a point to also eat prunes and pears. YUM I LOVE PEARS. :) I have to avoid gluten and unfortunately a lot of the fiber cereals and bars have gluten in them, but I bet I could find a good gluten free cereal at whole foods or something that is high in fiber. It scared the heck of out me so I'm willing to do anything. Great suggestions! Thanks for commenting. :)

  12. I didn't read everyone's replies, so I may repeat something...
    First, I developed a reaction to PIO after being on it 10 days. It was a low grade fever. No redness or swelling or heat at the injections sites, just an unexplained low grade fever that continued to rise after another week. It was determined it was the PIO and than I was switched to Crinone. So, just watch for those random reactions. Next, your little ones are safe and snug no worries there. Okay, as far as Progesterone numbers, it is hard to determine how much progesterone is in the uterine area by blood test. It is just a gauge. It's the best the doctors can do. For 1st trimester, you need to be between 9-20+. I had a PG start out at 11 and do just fine. With Sarah (my EA), my PG was a ridiculous 80 something. Trust your RE. They know their stuff, their protocol, and they want to see their patients sustain PGs.
    Constipation or just to stay regular? Magnesium supps. I take 2 at bedtime all during PG. If I didn't I would get constipated or have leg cramps in the middle of the night with each PG. Also, Chia seeds and ground flax seed are 2 things I sprinkle on food. high in fiber :)

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I've calmed down a lot about my progesterone levels because I think you're right that everything is going to be okay. I hadn't thought of the magnesium supps but I'll check with my RE and give them a try. I've been trying all of the other suggestions and I'm still having issues and I'm getting really desperate. Thank you for all the tips and the support.
