Monday, February 11, 2013

We had our transfer! Here's the quick update.

I never thought I'd ever be able to ever say it, but I have two wonderful embryos snuggling in right now! It's surreal.

Long story short, today went perfectly according to the RE. We transferred two blasts that grew from our thawed four zygotes so the fifth blast didn't need to be thawed. One of the blasts transferred today was already hatching and that got us all giddy.

Sadly, one of the others stopped growing altogether. :( That makes me sad since these are truly the last of their kind but I'm overjoyed that the others did so well. The last one is still growing and they will decide tomorrow if it's going to make it to freezing. I'm praying it makes it and we will have two on ice. I haven't forgotten about that little one.

I just wanted to give you all a quick and dirty update and let you know how we are doing around here. We have appreciated your support and prayers so much. I can't believe I'm typing this to you with two of our precious snowflakes on board right now. And it's even more crazy to think they've been frozen for over ten years! Just wild!

I'll post a much better post about the entire thing in better detail since I'm absolutely drained today having lived on very little sleep the past two nights. I need a good night's rest under my belt and I'll have a better post (with pictures and possibly even video) tomorrow.


  1. The baby I am pregnant with was frozen for ten years, and I still have trouble wrapping my head around it!! Praying for you and thankful things went so well. It sounds like you are sending your sweet babies lots of positive vibes--which I always think helps :)

    1. It's just crazy - quite a miracle! Congrats on your pregnancy and I appreciate the positive vibes!

  2. Yay! Praying for a great beta number soon!

  3. Yay! That's so exciting! Crazy that you can actually be pregnant right this second, huh? Actually you ARE pregnant right now!!! Crossing my fingers that the babes decide to stick around for another 9 months and beyond!

    1. It's just insane to think about. I've never been anything even close to pregnant before. It's just surreal! Thanks for the positive thoughts. :)

    That is fantastic!!

    I have everything crossed for you! <3

  5. You're pregnant! Yay for the babies in your womb :)

    Praying for you :)

  6. So exciting!! Praying for sticky little ones for you!!!! :) - Kelly

  7. Congrats on being PUPO!!! FX and praying!!!

    1. Yay! I'm PUPO! Thanks so much for the prayers!

  8. Looking forward to a great beta# soon. Congratulations : )

  9. Glad the transfer went well. FX for you!!!!

  10. So excited for you that things went perfectly! Congrats on being PUPO!!!

  11. Isn't it an amazing feeling?? Congrats!

  12. Wow I wonder what those little eggies were thinking about the past ten years? ;)
    Congrats on being PUPO! What an amazing feeling!

  13. I am not around the IF blogosphere much these days but saw your post on TB IF Vets board and wanted to wish you best of luck.
