Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Bon voyage, little snowflakes!

Today is such a special day! It's the day five precious little snowflakes will be loaded into a tank, then boarded onto a plane, and will be headed to their new home in San Antonio, Texas.

I am so excited my head is about to explode.

Please keep these embryos in your prayers. I just need them arrive safely and I pray there are no problems along the way. I will be thinking about them and worrying about them until my embryologist tells me they are here safe and sound tomorrow. I've been through this once before, and I'm sure everything will be okay. But moms worry, right?

I'm still in shock as to how quickly things picked up! I have been standing still for so long, and now I feel like I'm back in the race sprinting like a mad woman. I had no idea I'd be getting my calendar yesterday, let alone medications delivered today, and then starting injections Saturday. No complaints here! I'm very grateful and excited! My transfer is just over a month away.

I did notice that my calendar has twice as much Lupron indicated on it this time, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I have DOR and I was surpressed just fine on the amount before, so I asked my nurse to explain the increase to me. If there is no explanation and it was just something she pulled out of her hat, I'd rather do a similar protocol to last time since it worked (albeit a loss, obviously.) My RE also mentioned I will be taking baby aspirin after transfer, but I didn't see that on the calendar either. I'm waiting for the nurse to respond.

I also need to make an appointment for acupuncture since it's something my RE has suggested I do. I have been putting it off until I had a calendar because I'm not a big believer in it for FETs. I think there is some evidence that it can help poor responders for a fresh cycle, but it didn't in my case. Not only that, it was difficult and stressful to be taking time off of work work on top of all of my other RE appointments, and to fork out $85 bucks a session out of pocket. I'll do anything that might help, but I didn't find it to be a useful experience. I'll just suck it up and do it again. Id rather get a full body massage once a week because that's less stressful and more enjoyable lol. But I'm following my RE's orders!


  1. T&Ps for safe travels for the snowflakes!!

  2. My 2 BFP's happened when I went in for a massage the morning of the transfer (both FETs). Acupuncture never resulted in anything but 3 BFNs. Good luck! So exciting!!!

    1. Interesting!!! I might end up doing that too. I'll do the acupuncture, but also a massage that morning. Sounds divine. :)

  3. Hoping & praying for a safe flight & arrival of your snowflakes!!!

  4. Yay! What an exciting day for you! I also just started my acupuncture sessions this week. She is focusing on helping reduce my stress and increasing blood flow to the uterus so it is rich and ready for implantation. She also suggested avoiding dairy, eating more raspberries and using warm packs on the pelvic region. I am excited for you. I just received my protocol today for my September transfer. Thoughts and prayers to you. Will definitely be following your progress.

    1. So exciting! Wow, that's great that you started acupuncture. I have heard that it helps blood flow to the uterus. I've never had an issue with lining (knock on wood) so I'm skeptical but because my RE was adamant about it, I will do it. I'm curious to hear what the acupuncturist says. I emailed her yesterday to work out the details. :) I'm glad you're finding it helpful and HOORAY for a September transfer for you too! There seems to be lots of us with transfers next month!

  5. Prayers for their safe arrival!

  6. I just told Makenna that there were frozen babies on that airplane and that she flew on an airplane just like that when she was a frozen baby. Her response - "wow, those frozen babies are very brave to ride on that airplane!" LOL - praying for your "very brave" frozen babies & safe travels!!

    1. Laura, this comment is probably the cutest thing I have ever read! I even had to read it to Kevin and he got a good giggle out of it. I love that a snowflake baby is calling our snowflakes very brave! It just really brings it all full circle. :) What a cutie pie Makenna is!

  7. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! C'mon little May Baby! Prayers for smooth travel and a successful transfer!

  8. I remember when our little ones were in flight! A special day for sure!

    1. Awww! It really is a cool day. I was thinking about them all day yesterday!

  9. I love how you are so on top of things and knowing what you should be taking and the doses. So glad your babies are on their way. Sending good wishes your way.

    1. I'm what most people would call anal retentive lol. I double check everything and pretty much trust no medical professional haha. Yes, I'm "that" patient.

      Thanks for the kind wishes!!

  10. Yay! So exciting and crazy how quickly things move once everything falls into place.
