Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tomorrow will be "me" day

I've decided to take tomorrow, Friday, off of work and enjoy some "me" time.

I plan to go get a massage, have lunch with my Dad, help him with his finances (okay maybe that's not ME time, but I love the guy and he is blind and needs the help) and I will get my hair done somewhere in the mix.

I'm embarrassed to admit that I don't get my hair done that often because it's a hassle, it's expensive and takes a long time. Kevin is baffled how a man can go to the corner strip-mall haircut chain and get an $8 haircut with a coupon and be done in 20 minutes. Then I go get my hair done, and about three hours later I leave approximately $200 dollars poorer. He has a point. Oh well, that's life as a female, right?

My hair is crazy long right now. And the last time I had it cut was last October! Yikes. It's getting kind of annoying since it's almost to my waist, and I wear it up most of the time. So it's time for a cut, color, and full highlight. But most importantly, I don't want this cut to fall on the floor and end up in the trash.

About seven years ago, I learned about Locks of Love. I have since donated hair to this cause and it's one of the best feelings in the world to know you are helping a financially disadvantaged child in need. If you are not familiar with this wonderful charity, check it out!

I think I'm going to do it again tomorrow. I have lots of hair to spare. I find that whenever I'm feeling down in the dumps, focusing on the needs of others helps put my problems in perspective. If I were a child fighting disease and had no hair, what would my life be like? Or what if I was a parent of a child who was going through a medical struggle and could not afford a wig? My heart breaks. I am blessed in so many ways, I really am.

I hope I can get an appointment for tomorrow since it's the only planned day off.

I'm still praying for some good news from my embryologist today. It will make my "me" time even more wonderful if I know we have an embryo ship date!


  1. Fabulous idea!!! And I hope a good phone call will come and be the cherry on top!

  2. super smart to have some me time! enjoy!

  3. I love Locks of Love! Good for you and enjoy your me time tomorrow. :)

  4. Hope this turned out to be a great day for you! Good for you for donating your hair!
