Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Embryo adoption on CNN!

Kevin sent me a link to an story about embryo adoption that was featured on the main page of CNN today!

Click here to watch.

I'm really glad that this fairly unknown topic is getting some positive publicity. I have the following three gripes, but other than the following, I'm excited that it was put out there!

1) They mention that the children are not biologically the mother's, but I disagree. These babies are built of her body, her flesh, her nutrients. They may not be genetically related to her, they certainly are biologically. Bio=life. She is giving them life.

2) While they transferred two embryos and ended up with three children due to one splitting, this is incredibly rare. Choosing to highlight this aspect of the story adds to the notion that fertility treatments always lead to situations involving surprise multiples. I wish they'd highlight embryo adoption without focusing on the fact that this couple ended up with triplets, but oh well.

3) They say they "implant" instead of "transfer". This is a pet peeve of mine (and many others in the IF community) because we can only transfer embryos into the uterus. We hope and pray that they actually implant.

I hope this subject gets more attention in the future!


  1. Thanks for sharing. I agree with all your pet peeve. Most people that have not gone through infertility do not understand or know the difference. I will be stealing this link!

    1. Exactly! Many just don't get it. :) No problem, share the link!

  2. I really wish they had featured a family that was actually infertile. that is the real story. Couples who face a devestating diagnosis, try for years with other technologies, maybe IUI or IVF or miscarriage. They missed a great opportunity to talk about teh struggles of infertility, which this couple never experienced.

    1. I also wish they would highlight someone with IF going through embryo adoption. I think there is such a story there if they really focused on the right aspects and didn't sensationalize it where it didn't need to be.

  3. Thanks for sharing! This is actually a story from my city but I hadn't seen it locally.

  4. Just watched this after I read your post and I TOTALLY agree with all your gripes. Why not highlight a family who struggled with infertility instead of a family who already had 3 kids of their own??? strange... wish we could comment on it and tell CNN but oh well... just glad there are more stories like this coming out.

    1. I know! I immediately looked for a place to comment, but unfortunately there wasn't a way.

  5. Talk about excited - THIS IS MY FAMILY!! I agree with all your pet peeves too, and want to let you know that we did our best make sure they got it right - but the media is the media! As for them highlighting us instead of an infertile couple - that was part of the draw for having the platform to speak. We had never heard of EA, and came to the conclusion that the reason is that fertility is an intensely personal topic and people are often reluctant to broadcast their struggles. One of our top priorities has been that any couple out there struggling with fertility and doesn't know about EA would maybe now do some research and find out if it fits. We've already had dozens of e-mails pour in where exactly that has happened. Thanks again for sharing and if you want to follow us online our blog is www.graftedgifts.com

    1. Thanks for stopping by!! I appreciate you bringing light to this.
