Thursday, August 8, 2013

There is an embryo missing

First, the fantastically wonderful news: Four snowflakes made it to Texas.

Four are here, safe and sound. They have our name on them and are snuggled up in our lab in San Antonio. I am so happy about this. I am in love with them.

But you're probably wondering, what about the fifth?

Yes. There is one missing.

When we first got into contact with Libby, she thought she had four to donate and we were completely elated about getting four. Only when she called her clinic to get the ball rolling did they surprise her by telling her there was a fifth! We were so excited for the extra embryo! They even gave her grades: She allegedly had four 4BBs and one 5AA. They specifically said there were three frozen as singles to a straw and the fourth and fifth were frozen together in a straw. Four straws total.

Today my embryologist only got three straws, and the paperwork indicates there are two frozen as singles and one as a double. One is either physically missing, or it never existed to begin with. The more I think about this, I am starting to think that the person who originally told Libby that there was a fifth was wrong. It wouldn't be the first time that someone messed up over there, that's for sure.

But the other more terrifying option is... what if a single snowflake got left behind? I'm just sick to my stomach about the prospect of this.

I'm very confused in my emotions right now. I'm so over-the-moon happy that four of them are here but I'm sick to my stomach that one may be missing. Where is this little snowflake?

Please pray that we figure it out soon and if it legitimately exists, that we can get it here right away with no hiccups. If it doesn't exist, I think I will feel some amount of relief that one was not needlessly left behind.
Libby is going up the ladder at her clinic to get answers. We are both sick about the missing embie.


  1. OMG even this amazing news is marred by another worry! I am praying that the truth is found quickly and if there is a missing one that it is located and reunited with that others very quickly!

    1. I know. I'm a little bitter about that. I had kind of fantasized about the unadulterated and untarnished moment I learned they were here. Unfortunately that was kind of robbed from me too. But I really do feel wonderfully today knowing that they are here and all is well, even if we only have four. Counting my blessings like crazy!

  2. WTF. I guess the only upside is that your clinic isn't as inept as her clinic. Praying for you and Libby as this has to be horribly upsetting for you both.

    1. Yes, my clinic has it's challenges, but thankfully lab issues are not one of them! So thankful they are here....we feel much better knowing they are all safe. Thanks for your prayers!

  3. So glad they are safe, but so very odd about the confusion of one possibly missing? I will pray you get to the bottom of this and quickly so everyone can rest easier. THese are children and we can't rest until we know they are safe and sound. : )

    1. Odd indeed. We are grateful they are all accounted for and back on track. I was worried sick that there might be one lingering out there in no-mans land.

  4. I cannot believe tha they have messed up again! I wonder how Libby EVER got pregnant with them in the first place, as inept as they have turned out to be.
