Sunday, August 18, 2013

Just truckin' along

I'm still doing my 20u of Lupron every day, and I took my last birth control pill last night. HALLELUJAH. Thursday is my first ultrasound. And I hope my lining sheds prior to that appointment, or we will have a delay similar to what happened last time. Please send me your AF vibes! My body needs to cooperate!

Kevin and I are finally having a nice, relaxing weekend! It's been a while since that has happened due to all of the craziness around here. We went for sushi last night in the hopes that it would be my last sushi hurrah for you know, nine months or so? :)

We are going to to see a movie this afternoon - Elysium. I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday!


  1. Glad things are going along well. Do some research before you write off sushi while pregnant.

    1. Thanks! Yup, I do know that it can be safe to do it but I am just one to be ultra conservative and I'll probably choose the cooked versions only from here on out. I'll miss my "spicy jen jen" roll (in the picture) but I can make up for it with some of the others. :-D

  2. Hooray for a relaxing weekend! You've definitely earned it! And that sushi looks delicious! :)

    I hope everything goes as planned, and you're able to stay on schedule! <3

  3. glad you had a relaxing weekend !!!

    1. Thank you! It was great! I hope yours was nice as well.

  4. And here I thought we could be friends IRL but sushi? And Elysium??? My heart is broken. :( I am more of a good Italian restaurant and a chick flick kinda gal. Tiramisu and Safe Haven and I am in. But that?? Nope! ;-)

    I hope you enjoyed it and can't eat it again for 9 months! (or ever...yuck!!!) And I pray that AF cooperates for you and everything goes perfectly. I hope that we move from cycle buddies to pregnant buddies very soon. :)

    1. LOL sorry! I heart me some sushi. And I heart me a Sci-Fi flick. I'm weird like that! We can go through friendship counseling and make it work somehow, I'm sure. :) Although Elysium had some serious political undertones and I felt like I was being lectured. Not my favorite.

      And YES! It's time to graduate to pregnant buddies ASAP! I'll be on the train right after you! Let this be it...OH LET THIS BE IT!!!!!!!!!

  5. I hope it is the last bit of sushi you can have for awhile!!!

  6. Glad things are going well. Yup, I'm a sushi kinda gal too. I'm hoping to get my fill before my transfer coz it will be forbidden, or at least VERY limited, if all goes well for 9+ months! Enjoy it while you can! Unlike Jess, I will be your sushi buddy ;)

  7. Glad you enjoyed a relaxing weekend. Hope AF cooperated for you!
