Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Will I finally get to meet my RE?

As I've mentioned before, I'm actually under the care of two REs from my clinic. Dr A (the man RE) is the one I see locally in Austin for routine ultrasounds and my SIS, etc. And Dr B (the woman RE) is the Third Party Reproduction RE that oversees all of my care remotely.

I love Dr A, but I absolutely adore Dr B. She has been incredible throughout this entire process, going above and beyond the call of duty on many occasions. She has made me feel like a partner instead of a patient who should follow her orders blindly. She called me from her personal cell on a Friday evening during her her drive home from work to make sure I got test results that I had been anxious for. She knew it would be worried the whole weekend if she didn't. She called me "just because" to check in on me during my beta-hell miscarriage. She ran a list of Reproductive Immunology testing I brought to her just because I requested it. Even when she wasn't sure what the tests were, she said she'd research them to find out. And she did. She worked with other specialists when some results came back abnormal. When I talk to her on the phone, I feel like I'm talking to a girlfriend who I could easily go grab coffee with and enjoy spending time with. But in addition to all of this, she's an incredibly talented and smart doctor. She has even thanked me for "allowing" her to be a part of our embryo adoption journey. Can you believe that? My RE is thinking that she is the lucky one. Donor embryo cycles aren't something she normally does because they don't have an in-house donor embryo program. So I can't help but feel special to her. And even if I'm not actually special to her, she's sure made me feel that way with how she treats me and talks to me. I could go on and on. But the crazy part is that I have never met her in person!

Dr A did my transfer last time, but this time Dr B insisted that my nurse schedule my transfer for a day that she could be there. And even though my RE's office is opening up a lab in Austin which would allow us to avoid the drive to San Antonio on transfer day, it means enough to me to see Dr B that we are planning to go to San Antonio anyway. I REALLY want to meet her after all of this time! Dr B cracked me up when I told her because she said "Whew, I'm glad. I was going to be jealous if the other RE got to do it!" See what I mean about making me feel special?

To show my appreciation for her kindness and extra effort on this rocky journey, I bought her a white sapphire necklace and a card. I also got a matching one for my embryologist who went so far above and beyond to get these snowflakes here. These all match the ones I bought for Vicky and Libby when they donated their embryos to us. And I finally got one for myself as well. I'm pretty sappy because it makes me feel loads of joy to think that all of these special women who have had a hand in this have matching snowflake necklaces.

But here's a monkey wrench: I found out yesterday that Dr B is going on maternity leave very soon! And here I had no idea she was even pregnant. I found out because a friend of mine tried to make an appointment with her yesterday and the office staff said she wasn't accepting new patients because she was going out on leave soon. Of course I am happy for her, but now there's a side of me that is a little nervous I won't get to meet her after all. We will see! What is meant to be will be.

As for me moving along in my cycle, I have been spotting a bit so I think AF is just around the corner (I hope.) I have another acupuncture appointment this afternoon and maybe she can help jump start AF and help me with sleeping a little better if that is something within her power. 


  1. I feel the same way about the nurse at my clinic and I haven't met her yet, either. I love the necklaces and think it a very beautiful gesture. Praying that all goes well and AF shows up right on time. Praying for you, cycle buddy!

  2. I feel the same way about my "doctor" (she's actually a PA) who referred me to my RE. She's like a girlfriend, giving me advice! I send her a Christmas card every year and the first year I did she said she'd gotten in on a very bad day and sat down and cried because she was so touched I thought of her! <3 I adore her. I hope you do get to meet Dr. B! And good job getting healthy!

    1. Isn't it wonderful having such a special relationship with someone like this? I love it! Glad to hear you have a special one too.

  3. I really hope it all works out where you get to meet her!! Ask your acupuncturist to do the PTSD point...that'll knock you out! At least it always worked for me. I knew I was in bad shape when my acupuncturist said the point he placed the needle in was for PTSD!! He could have just said it was for stress. lol

    1. I will have to remember that for next week! :)

  4. I really love your necklace. May I ask where you got it from?

    1. Thanks, I do too! I got it from amazon! It says there are no more in stock right now though, but hopefully they can get more soon. :)

  5. I hope you really do get to meet her! She sounds amazing. The necklace is beautiful.
