Friday, August 9, 2013

The missing embryo has been accounted for

The fifth embryo has been accounted for. Apparently, it never existed to begin with. Libby called her lab yesterday and talked to a manager. He reviewed her paperwork and history and assured her there was never a fifth. This means that the woman she spoke with way back in May who told her the exciting and unexpected news of the fifth embryo was just flat out wrong. What an insane and irresponsible mistake to make. Chalk that up to one of many. I am so grateful these embryos are out of their incompetent hands.

Libby and I both feel relieved that there is not a lonely snowflake lost at her lab. And I'm very happy to know that ALL of her four remaining embryos are safe and sound at my lab. I know and trust the embryologist here and I have 100% confidence they will be taken care of to the highest standards. But of course, I can't help but feel a loss for the imagined fifth snowflake that we had planned and prepared for all this time.

That feeling of loss is far out-shadowed by the feeling of relief and gratitude for the four we received. I now have five incredibly high quality blasts waiting for me, including the day 6 blast from our first donor, Vicky. This is an unbelievable blessing for me as a woman who could have never in a million years have created five frozen embryos using my own body. My head is still spinning thinking about how many obstacles we had to overcome to get to this point. I can't believe what a fight it has all been. But it has all been worth it to feel the way I do today. My little frozen babies are here. I can't believe I start injections tomorrow. I can't believe we have another chance.

I can't believe we might actually be parents.

And the icing on the cake is that when I got home, I found that the insurance company approval letter had arrived in the mail. It was like the beautiful culmination of all of our hard work and fighting finally came to an end yesterday. This particular chapter of the fight is finally over.

The embryologist made a strong recommendation as to which two blasts to transfer on game day. I'll post about that tomorrow once both of our donors know the plan. I want them to know first.


  1. Just want you to know that even though I don't comment often, I am still following your journey and praying for you all the time. Many blessings to you and your 4 new children! :) - Kelly

  2. wow, what a rollercoaster, so glad you got everything figured out though!!

  3. I'm so happy that you were able to get it all figured out! I'm excited for you starting your injections! Sending nothing but love and positive thoughts your way!

  4. phew! I figured that would be the result since she always thought there were four! we tend to remember those things! very excited for you!

    1. Yeah, I guess once I heard it was "missing" I knew in my mind that's probably what happened. But I really believed there were five this whole time. So did Libby. Just crazy!!

      Thanks for the support!

  5. So very glad you have your answers now!

  6. Ooohhh this is such an amazing time! I'm sorry that you were led to believe there was a fifth, but as you said, I am just glad all of your snowflakes are free from the incompetence of that place! I'm so excited for these next steps!

    1. Me too, but there is so much relief in knowing they are out of there and every single one is accounted for. Whew!

  7. So very glad everything is coming together!!

  8. I love that everything seems to be rolling perfectly! So excited and hopeful for your cycle.

  9. So relieved to hear that there is not a 5th embryo lost at that clinic. I am sorry that you and Libby have had to deal with so much these past few months. Praying for you as you begin this cycle.

    1. Thanks so much, Jess. I'm praying for you too!

  10. Glad the fifth embryo has been accounted for, I have such a good feeling about these snowflakes for you!

  11. I'm sorry for the loss of the embryo you thought you had, but glad that you have answers. Good luck as you move forward!
