Thursday, August 22, 2013

Buckle up! We are cleared for take-off!

Great news! I had my baseline appointment today. Everything looks great to move forward in building my lining up! I'm aiming for a tempurpedic mattress kind of lining for these snowflakes. Today my lining measured at 4mm, and my E2 was <6. That means we are cleared and ready for take-off! Tomorrow I start estradiol and cut my Lupron dose in half to a welcomed 10u. FINALLY. I need a relief from these headaches and decrease in Lupron and addition of estradiol will certainly help.

To be honest, I was a little nervous going into this appointment since my period still hadn't shown up yet. So far I've just had obnoxious spotting and lots of cramps. Although I did have some unusual and more severe spotting about a week or so ago. Now I wonder if that was enough to shed my lining after all. Whatever happened, I guess I'm good to go.

Aside from the outcome being great, the appointment itself had some issues.

These issues started as I was driving into the appointment itself. I got an email from my nurse saying "Did you make an appointment for the ultrasound today?!? The Austin nurses say they don't have you on the books."

WHAT?! YES! At 9:30am!! And I was only 5 minutes away from the clinic at that point! I made sure to make this appointment the day I got my calendar. And believe it or not, this actually happened once before when they scheduled me at the San Antonio location instead of Austin for my last cycle. But in this instance, there was no record of my appointment at all. I don't get how that can even happen. Grr.

Despite that, when I got there, the nurse greeted me and was incredibly sweet. She was enthusiastic and  even told me I looked awesome and had noticed I had lost weight (27 pounds now!)

When we were preparing for the ultrasound, she said "How exciting! Today's your baseline! If all looks good, tomorrow you can start the gonadotropins." Oops. I reminded her this was a frozen cycle. She apologized for he mistake and said it was written into my chart. No biggie.

She checked my lining and then she moved on to check my ovaries for cysts. She checked the left ovary, and she said "Wow, you weren't kidding about your ovaries not working!" Sad reminder that my ovaries are just for decoration. I guess she could only count two follicles. Thankfully, no cysts on my left ovary. And she couldn't find the right ovary.

Well, at least this has a happy ending and I'm on my merry way. Onwards and upwards!


  1. I often feel the same way! Hello people - read the damn chart!!!! Congrats on losing all that weight! So impressive!!! They are totally cool with you starting the cycle without a period? Or are they calling the spotting a period? Wishing you luck this cycle!

    1. Yup. I made it really clear to all of the nurses, and they said it was no problem because my lining was so thin. Last time it was an issue because my lining was much thicker, so they insisted I shed more before starting.

    2. were in the same boat! mine was 3.3 today so I started estrogen!

  2. LOL They are trying to harsh your snowflake cycle buzz! Don't let them! I'm so excited for you!!

    Oh and LOL to tempurpedic mattress lining!

    1. It didn't. :) I had a great day and I'm really looking forward to moving on.

  3. You really need to be more understanding to the staff that is trying to help you. You are not their only patient and the world doesn't revolve around you. Geez, post after post you are hysterical about one thing or another. This is how life happens, learn to deal with it.

    1. I love how some people only feel bold enough to post crap like this when hey are anonymous. This is her blog send her personal story. Don't like it? Don't read it. And grow a backbone and post under your real identity if you are going to be so rude.

    2. Really? First of all, if you don't like my posts, don't read my blog. But I have to thank you for commenting because it's great to know there ARE people out there with such low standards and are fine with the kind of stuff that happened today because "that's just how life happens." Of course I'm obviously not their only patient. But I think that as ANY patient of ANY clinic it's not too much to expect that my appointment get scheduled in their system when they tell me I have an appointment scheduled. Is it? Well, if you're fine with that kind of thing, I've got to laugh. Good for you for having your standards where they are! I'll bet you don't even question your cable bill when you get overcharged because "that's just how life happens." right? I also don't think it's too much to ask that if I'm supposed to sign consent forms at this appointment, that someone give me just a little heads up that my husband should also be there so we don't have to make two trips. And if they need me to bring my contract, just to tell me know. Or are you telepathic and you know this stuff without your clinic having to tell you? Again, my hat goes off to you and the way "your life just happens." Good for you for being a jellyfish with no backbone.

      And by the way, if you've read my blog long enough, you'll know what hysterical is and this certainly isn't it. I've been having a lovely day. Today's appointment had a fantastic outcome with some completely unnecessary hiccups, and for you to rip me over it (anonymously and cowardly, might I add) makes me laugh. Get a life and go somewhere else.

    3. Anonymous' real user name should be "Incompetent & Proud". lol Why else would they have their undies in a bunch over something that has nothing to do with them...unless it does and they are one of the incompetent ones.

    4. RUDE! I am sorry that there are people who feel like posting this trash on other's blog. You Liz, are awesome.

  4. I'm so glad you were cleared for take-off!! This has been a long time coming after all you have dealt with. (Hate to bring all that up in fear "Anonymous" will think I'm encouraging hysteria!) You are an amazing woman who deserves all the best!

    BTW, I worked in a medical practice for 5 years and this is just sloppy work. Hopefully once the new Austin system is set up they will function better.

    1. Oh, and I forgot to add CONGRATS on the weight loss!!! That's awesome!!

    2. Thanks so much! It certainly has been a long road of craziness (uh oh hysteria!!) lol but I'm so glad to be where I am now. I am so lucky to have friends like you to support me! I'm rooting for you and this promising new path you're on too!

  5. Wooo hoooo!!! How exciting that you are ready to go!! I am so excited for you and can't wait to follow along :)

  6. Hiya Liz, I'm a long time reader of your blog and really admire you! I can't even begin to imagine what you've gone / are going through but just know that I'm sending lots of prayers from the UK to you that these little snowflakes take and you will be holding your little one in your arms soon :) Best of luck with everything! xxx

    1. Thank you for such kind words. That really means a lot to me! I appreciate your long time support and prayers. :) Thank you for the comment!

  7. So exciting! I hope you're getting all the little hiccups out now and its smooth sailing forward!

  8. Yay! Starting time. Many prayers for you and your little snow flakes!

    1. Thanks so much, Kristin! The prayers are so appreciated!
